𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 17

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A/N: I can't stop writing lmfao


I lie awake thinking of the various events that occurred this week, as Ashe slept by me feet, her tail swishing from side to side as she dreamed.

I couldn't help but notice how fast Alexander was moving things. I wasn't the most educated when it came to relationships and dating, but even I could tell. Or maybe I'm just overthinking this entire thing. Maybe this is actually how it's supposed to go. But, no matter how it was supposed to go, I couldn't keep my gaze away from the brown haired boy who was so effortlessly kind and caring. 

No matter how much I wanted to block him out and my feelings that followed closely behind, he always managed to crack the walls that I've built up, even with just from a smile or a glance from his pretty, brown eyes.

I turned over, now laying on my tummy as I groaned into my pillow. 

No, I wouldn't lose my composure. I was with Alexander, who was just as sweet. 

My thoughts then turned to the recent events, with Charlotte. It started to confuse me. Don't you think the hospital would have a record of her even if she was new? 

Who the hell even was this woman?

All of these thoughts crowded my mind as I tried to fall asleep. 

When I finally did fall asleep, it was already 1:56 AM.


My room was still dark when I woke up, which most likely means it's still cloudy outside. My bed sheets were were all jumbled and messy, due to my tossing and turning from last night.

Thankfully, it was Saturday and I would finally get a break from hell- school, for once.

As I sat up, the black cat shifted beside me and immediately fell right back to sleep.

What a lazy kitty cat, I thought as I stroked the top of her head.

When I finally got out of bed, I rubbed my tired eyes and stretched my arms out, arching my back. A headache began to form as I tried to relieve it by massaging my forehead.

Great, just what I need on a Saturday morning... 

I could tell David was still not up, considering the chatter of a news anchor on the TV did not echo through the hall like it usually did every morning. 

My stomach rumbled with hunger as I exited my bedroom and walked into the kitchen. Rummaging through the cabinets, I found something decent to eat and I walked over to the living room, plopping down on the light blue sofa. Once I clicked the TV on, a familiar, masked figure appeared on the screen. 

Spider boy.

He was shown swinging through the bright city, like he usually did. The sight made me smile more than I wanted to.

"Could you turn that down, some people need their beauty sleep." A groggy voice said from the hallway.

I looked over to see David leaning on the doorframe of his bedroom. I immediately rolled my eyes and lowered the volume of the TV, as he disappeared back into his cave of a room.

Turning my attention back to the TV, I realized I hadn't seen my favorite masked hero in a while. I missed calling him "Spider boy" to get on his nerves, or his laugh... which was oddly familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere else.

Suddenly, I heard slow footsteps emerging from the hall behind me. It was David, of course, in his usual tired-like manner. He rubbed his eyes as he walked into the kitchen, completely ignoring my presence.

"Someone's in a lovely mood this morning." I said.

"It's too early for this shit." he replied, grabbing a bowl and a box of cereal.


Saturday had passed pretty quickly and it was now Sunday, 2:38 PM.

As much as I didn't want to, to spare my already-lost hope, I decided to visit my grandmother again.

I needed to replace her flowers anyways. 

Once I had picked up a fresh bouquet of blue roses, I headed to the hospital for my visit.

Luckily, the gray blanket of despair was gone, leaving only patches of its dark clouds in the sky. The walk to the hospital was peaceful. The air was clean and it wasn't as noisy as it usually was, which definitely helped with my prolonging headache. 

I arrived at the large, white building 5 minutes later and sat in the waiting room for another 5, until a nurse finally escorted me through the long, bright hall, to my grandmother's hospital room. She left me standing there in front of the wooden door. When I reluctantly reached out to the handle, someone opened it and walked right past me. 

I caught a glimpse of her sandy, blonde hair.


"Hey! Miss Barlowe!" I pleaded, as she continued walking.

She simply ignored me, as if I wasn't even there, calling out to her.

I knit my brow in confusing, "What the hell?"

Taking a deep breath, I continued to walk into the room, brushing off the recent event. I strolled over to her bed, where she lay peacefully. Her breathing was jagged and short. My eyes trailed from her unconscious figure to a glass of water that sat on a table next to the bed. Except that this wasn't an ordinary glass of water. There was something small floating inside, slowly dissolving. 

I lost my grip and dropped the bouquet when I saw that her pale lips were slightly parted, as if someone had previously slipped the water in her mouth. 

The beeping of the heart monitor device became more slow and spread out. Until finally,



The green line of the heart monitor ran straight across the screen as a long beeping noise ran out, filling my ears as I watched in horror.

I couldn't do anything but scream for help.


Running to the door, I quickly opened it and called for a group of nurses and doctors a couple doors down. They immediately ran over at the sound of my horrific pleas. The group swarmed over the bed as my legs gave out in distress and I dropped to my knees. As tears streamed down my face as I watched them attempt to bring her back.

I knew this was Charlotte's doing and a hopeless rage filled my head at the thought.

A/N: hiiii everyone. ive been positing a lot lately but i probably wont be able to once winter break is over so enjoy it while it lasts lmao. 

btw shits bout to get really angsty if u couldn't tell :) anyways, ill see you next chapter <333 if there are any mistakes ill fix them later since its like 11 pm rn

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