𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 25

786 13 8

A/N: just a quick note, theres a trigger warning for something later in the book (just a heads up).


Even through the fabric of my dress, I could still feel the cold, hard surface of whatever I was laying on. My eyes had fluttered opened, but they didn't stay opened for long, considering the bright light that hovered above me, on the ceiling. I immediately attempted to move my arms but I soon realized they were being restrained. I was practically strapped down to a metal stretcher in an unfamiliar... yet familiar room.


Peter's POV

I noticed Y/N leaving 15 minutes earlier, however, she wasn't back yet. It was dumb but I had a terrible feeling about. Like a knot in my stomach. And, apparently, Ned had noticed.

"Come on, dude, what's wrong?" he asked.

I blinked out of my trance and turned to look at him, "Nothing's wrong, I- I'm totally fine."

He squinted his eyes, in suspicion.

"Just tell me... something is obviously wrong, you've been standing here for like... forever."

I sighed at his exaggerated response and just decided to give in.

"I'm just wondering why Y/N isn't back yet, that's all."

"Oh, yeah... she might have just left, though."

"I mean, yeah, but don't you think she would have said goodbye to Alexander or that other girl... she just straight up left, and it's been like twenty minutes."

"Well, you could probably ask her friend, over there, she might know."

My eyes trailed over to the familiar blonde girl. A sigh fell from my lips, as I reluctantly walked over to where she was standing. She held a cup in her hand, as her eyes scanned the crowd.

"Um... excuse me?"

She slightly jumped at the sound of my voice but immediately turned her head, and her blue eyes met mine.

"I'm sorry to bother you but... I- um, I know you're a friend of Y/N's and I was just wondering where she was... well- since she hasn't been back yet."

Her expression was a little hard to read, like a mixture of emotions, but she knit her eyebrows and her eyes trailed to the floor.

"She went to the bathroom." she replied, blankly.

Just like hers, my eyebrows knit in confusion, "For twenty-five minutes...?"

She only shrugged, which was starting to make me a little frustrated with her monotone responses. I sighed.

"She's not really in the bathroom... is she?"

"I can't say." She mumbled.

I barely heard her, but my confusion only grew.

"W-Why? Listen, I don't mean to intrude but- I'm just... concerned."

This had caught her attention, and she turned to face me. It was very faint, but it was as if sadness slightly tainted blue eyes. She exhaled, sharply.

"Fifteenth Walker Street... I forgot the building name... and- it's not like you'll make it anyways."

"What? Wait!-"

She immediately walked off, disappearing into the crowd and leaving me to drown in my endless train of thoughts and questions. 

Why was Y/N at a random street outside of the city? 

Running through the empty, dark hall, I stopped by my locker and immediately opened it, pulling out my suit. I waisted no time stripping my own clothes and pulling on the suit as quick as I could, stumbling around a little in the process.


First Person POV


Due to my inability to sit up, I had to look to the side to avoid the bright lights shining in my face. The room looked like your average hospital room... except it was much bigger and older looking. I then fixed my eyes on the unfamiliar device attached to my forearm. My eyes widened at the sight of a splotch of bright red blood on my forearm. A shaky breath fell from my lips as I frantically attempted to look for anything to distract myself from the sight. I wasn't very sensitive to blood... unless I was the one who was responsible for the blood, then it was a different story. Whenever I would get cuts as a child, I always tried to look away, to distract my eyes.

A shiny object to the left of me grabbed my attention. It was a knife. As an idea entered my mind, I managed to wiggle my hand out of one of the restraints and tried to reach for it.

"Ah- shit-" I grunted, in pain.

Whatever was in my arm was turning it weak, considering I could barely stretch my arm without wincing. I quickly took a deep breath and reached further, swiftly grabbing the small knife. The sudden movement forced me to stifle a yelp, however, I immediately began sawing one of the straps of the restraint with the knife. The strap unfortunately did not tear immediately, due to the dull blade of the knife, but soon, it broke completely, freeing both of my arms. My attention then turned to the thing attached to my arm. I knew it would probably hurt like a bitch to tear it out but... I found myself reaching over to the device. Letting out a sigh, I braced myself for the pain, but before I could, I heard the door opening.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

A/N: lmao sorry for the cliffhanger... again. anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter and ill see you next chapter luvs <3 :) (brace urselfs cuz its bout to get real bumpy lmao)

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