The Game

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After getting to my dorm, I got my things unpacked and put away as the door opened up.

Y/N: Ummm.... Hello?

??: Oh, hi! Sorry if I startled you. I'm Pansy by the way.

As she stuck her hand out to shake mine, I smiled and said,

Y/N: No, you didn't startle me. I just wasn't sure who was coming in.

We stood there in silence for a minute or two, than she perked up and said,

P: Some of the Slytherin kids are playing a game of hide-n-seek if you would like to come play with us.

Y/N: That sounds fun but I don't know anyone here

P: That's okay. I can introduce you to some of them if you're up to it

Y/N: That would be a big help and nice. Thank you

Then we headed down stairs to play. As we waited for everyone to show up, Pansy introduced me to a few people.

P: Y/N, I would like you to meet Blaize Zabini

B: Hello

P: And this is Tom and Theo Riddle. As you probably guessed, they are in fact brothers

Y/N: Hello. It's nice to meet you in person. I heard a bit about you on the ride here.

Theo: Yeah. Like what?

Y/N: Like is it true that you two basically run the school or everyone listens to or respects you?

Tom: Yes, only because we are Riddle's

Theo: Well, mostly true. The Golden Trio don't listen to us so not everyone. They are kind of in their own little group and we leave each other alone.

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