The Golden Trio

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After I ran from Draco, I could hear him coming after me which made me run even faster. I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep this speed up much longer so I found a dark place in the hallway and hid there. Soon enough Draco, came by me and stopped. I thought he had seen me but when he turned around and headed back towards the dinning hall, I knew that he had not. When he was gone, I stepped out and walked towards my dorm. Before I got there, someone stepped out in front of me but I didn't pay them any attention till they grabbed my arm and slammed me up against the wall.

I picked my head up to look at the person just to find out that there were three of them. After a minute, I could tell that it was Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I smiled and was about to say something when I realized that theses were not the kind faces that I met on the train, they now had scowls where their smiles once were. When I got my words back, I asked,

Y/N: What's with you guys?

Harry: What do you think is wrong with us!?

Ron: You're a Slytherin and this is what you deserve.

Before I could say anything, Harry reared back and slapped me in the face while Ron and Hermione just laughed. I couldn't do anything but stand there and take it. Harry hit me 20-30 times then pushed me to the ground while Hermione kicked me in the stomach. I passed out from the pain.

Draco's POV

After I finished breakfast, I left the dinning hall and headed back towards the dorms. As I was walking, I started to hear some kids laughing. I didn't think anything about it until I came around the corner and saw Hermione Granger kicking Y/N in the stomach and wherever else she could land a kick while Harry Potter and Ron Weasley just stood there laughing. My blood boiled in my veins as I watched this. Before I knew what I was doing, I lurched forward and grabbed Hermione by her hair and pulled her away from Y/N. I then let her fall to the ground in front of Harry and Ron, then I walked over to Y/N. When I turned around, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were running down the hall away from us.

When they were gone, I kneeled down to check on Y/N but soon realized that she was unconscious. I checked, then thought, She's still breathing so she must have just passed out. I gently picked her up and carried her towards her dorm. I opened the door and walked in then laid her on her bed. Afterwards, I walked to the bathroom and grabbed a rag and a small container of water then went back to clean her face up. When I got back, she was still unconscious but she looked so beautiful. Wait, what am I thinking!? I hardly know her! I shook my head and sat on her bed and started cleaning up her face. I got right above her eye cleaned up when her eyes popped open and she sat up with a startled gasp, which made me jump a bit. Before I knew what she was doing, she shot forward and wrapped her arms around my waist. I didn't know what else to do, so I just hugged her back. When she let me go and sat back, she sat there and watched me for a few minutes.

D: What? Why are you staring at me like that?

Y/N: I'm just trying to figure you out. You're so mystical and secretive, just curious.

D: Curious about what?

Y/N: Why you did it?

D: Did what Y/N?

Y/N: Ignored me then helped me. Not once, but twice.

I didn't know what to tell her so I just smiled. Before we could start another conversation, she started to tear up and folded her knees up to her chest.

D: Hey, what's wrong princess?

Y/N: Princess? I like it. But why did they do it? They were friendly to me on the train but they were so horrible to me a little bit ago. What's wrong with me being a Slytherin?

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