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Draco's POV

After Potter hexed Tom, Y/N started walking towards the trio and saying something but she was only loud enough for the Trio to hear. I started to get worried but then she started floating slightly, then she came to right above the tables and stopped. I was almost to her when she cast the sleeping spell on the group and I saw her begin to fall. I ran up and caught her but not before she passed out. The Golden Trio lay on the floor as Dumbledore tried to break the spell cast on them by Y/N, but it wouldn't break. He gave her a look as she lay in my arms that I knew could only mean trouble for her.

I walked out of the dinning hall with Theo and, thanks to Snape, an unhexed Tom. We got to the hospital wing and laid her on a cot. Dumbledore came in and told us,

Dumbledore: When she awakes, please have her come see me alone.

But before he could turn to leave, Theo and Tom spoke up.

Theo: With all do respect sir, she is going no where without one of us.

Tom: And seeings how you gave her a look like she did something wrong, you will have all three o..

But I interrupted.

D: All four

Tom: Okay, all four of us there with her.

He could tell that he wouldn't win the argument and let it be all four of us coming. Tom and Theo went to bed but not until after I convinced them to go and promising that I would stay with her.


As I lay there, I heard someone beside me ask,

?: Why won't she wake up?

??: I don't know dear

I wanted to see who it was so I lay there and finally got my eyes to open where I could see. I turned my head to the side and saw a white haired boy talking to a lady who looked like a nurse. I sat up and asked,

Y/N: What happened? Where am I?

The white haired boy turned towards me with a look of relief. He walked over and hugged me but I pushed him away and asked,

Y/N: I'm sorry, but do I know you?

He looked at me in pure confusion and asked,

?: Do you not remember me?

I shook my head and said,

Y/N: Sorry, but no. Could you tell me where I am please?

The boy looked at the ground then rushed out of the room. I turned to the lady and asked,

Y/N: Did I say something wrong?

??: No dear. He's just a bit upset right now.

Y/N: Did I do it?

She just smiled at me sadly and nodded slowly. I looked at my hands then asked,

Y/N: I'm sorry to bother you again Ma'am, but do you happen to know where Hogwarts is? I'm supposed to go there to surprise my brothers Mattheo and Tom Riddle.

??: Dear, you are already at Hogwarts. I will have the headmaster call your brothers for you.

Y/N: Thank you ma'am

She nodded and left the room. I sat there and thought about the white-haired boy and how I could have upset him. I didn't know him but I also didn't want to upset him. Soon, the doors to the room I was in opened up and I saw Mattheo and Tom running towards me. When they reached me, they wrapped me in a hug at the same time. When I opened my eyes, I saw the white-haired boy standing in the door way just watching me. I motioned for him to come here and he slowly made his way over to me. When he was close enough, I grabbed his hand and pulled him the rest of the way to me and hugged him around the waist. He hesitated for a moment then hugged me back. When he pulled back, I said,

Y/N: I'm sorry that I made you upset a little bit ago. I didn't mean to. I thought that giving you a hug might make you feel better.

Theo: Y/N, do you not remember him?

Y/N: No, I just woke up and he hugged me. I pushed him away and I thought that was why he was upset. I didn't mean to do it Theo, I'm really sorry.

I started to cry and Theo sat down beside me and pulled me into a hug. Then he whispered,

Theo: Hey, it's okay. That's not why he was upset with you. Can you answer something for me?

Y/N: Of course. Anything for you Theo.

Theo: Okay, what is the last thing you remember?

I thought about it for a second then answered,

Y/N: I remember packing my suitcase getting ready to leave the house to catch the train to come surprise you and Tom.

I looked up at Tom and he gave me a sad smile.

Y/N: Did I do something wrong?

Tom looked at Theo and said,

Tom: Theo, we need to take her home and see if mom or dad can do something about this.

Theo: Yeah, I know.

They left the room, but when I tried to follow them, the lady told me that I needed to stay in bed till they came back so I lay in bed waiting on my brothers and not bothering to acknowledge the white-haired boy that sat beside me. Soon enough, my brothers came running back through the door. They gave the nurse lady something and she nodded. They came over and each grabbed one of my hands and transported us home with magic.

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