The Spell

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We finished our classes for the day and were headed towards the dinning hall when I saw my brother, Theo. When I stopped, Draco looked in the direction I was looking. When he realized what I was thinking, he asked,

D: Would you like me to stay with you?

Y/N: No. I'm going to get him to call Tom and you know how Tommy's temper is. You better go ahead and eat supper. I'll meet you in there and if everything goes well, my brothers will be with me.

D: Okay. I'll see you in a bit. If you need me, just holler.

I nodded and headed in the direction of my brother. I looked back just as Draco entered the dinning hall, I continued towards Theo. When I got over there he asked,

T: Hey Little Snake. What's up?

Y/N: Hey Theo. We need to have a talk. Just us Riddle kids.

T: Y/N? What's going on? Did someone hur...

Y/N: Mattheo! No one hurt me. We just all need to have a conversation. Do the call with me?

He nodded and headed outside. When we reached out place, Theo and I took up the call. It lifted into the air.


Minutes later, Tom came around the corner and met us at our place. Then asked,

Tom: Why'd you two howl for me?

Theo: Because Y/N said that there was something we needed to talk about. 

Y/N: And before you jump to any conclusions, no, nobody hurt me

He relaxed at those words then asked,

Tom: Then what do we need to talk about?

Y/N: Before I say anything, you have to promise that you won't kill anyone.

They went to argue, but before they could finish their first sentence, I talked over them and said,

Y/N: Promise. Me. Brothers.

Tom & Theo: Okay. We promise.

 As they said the word promise, their hands glowed and our symbol appeared on their hands.

 As they said the word promise, their hands glowed and our symbol appeared on their hands

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Now I knew that they had to keep their promise. So I took a breath and went onto the whole story.

Y/N: So Draco and I are dating now.

Tom: The only ones we would kill would be Potter and his squad but we promised we wouldn't kill anyone after you told us so we have to keep it.

Theo: I like the idea of you and Malfoy. I've always liked the kid. I'll have to remember to thank him for helping you when it came to the Trio.

I smiled at my brothers and wrapped Tom in my arms and whispered my thanks, then let him go and he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek and whisper,

Tom: Your welcome little sis.

Afterwards, I moved to Theo and wrapped him in my arms. He wrapped his arms around me, then bent down, picked me up, and spun me around before placing me back on the ground. I laughed, then stood in the middle of them and grabbed one of their hands. We walked into the dinning hall and sat with the rest of the Slytherins. Before I went to eat, I had to go find Professor McGonagall. When I found her, she smiled as I asked her my request and nodded.

M: Of course Miss. Y/N. I would be honored to make that announcement for you.

I nodded and went up to the front of the room with her. Everyone watched me. Some with curious eyes, some with confused eyes, some who looked furious, and some who looked liked they didn't care. When we got to the front, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and said,

M: Both Mr. Riddle's and Mr. Malfoy, would you three please join Miss. Y/N up here please. Everyone else, I would like you to listen, as Miss. Y/N has two announcements to make. Thank you.

Y/N: Yes, thank you everyone for giving me a minute of your time. First, does everyone remember when I first arrived and my last name was kept a secret?

Everyone nodded and I smiled.

Y/N: Well, I wanted people to get to know me before they judged me because of my last name. I have made some good friends and I feel that now would be as good a time as any to tell everyone. Let me reintroduce myself. Hello everyone! I'm Y/N Riddle. Youngest of the Riddle children.

There were murmurs all around the room and I looked back as Theo and Tom stepped down beside me and grabbed my hands to give them a reassuring squeeze. I squeezed their hands back then Tom moved to the side so that Draco had a place to step down beside me after I gave the next announcement. Theo stayed where he was holding my hand. I took a deep breath and spoke in a clear, loud voice.

Y/N: And the second announcement is that I and Draco Malfoy are now together.

 Before I knew what was happening, Tom stepped in front of me and a spell hit his back. He fell at my feet and gasped for air. I dropped to my knees and murmured the spell to reverse the one that had been cast on Tom but it didn't work. I tried to control the tears that were threatening to spill over. Before I could do anything with anyone, Theo leaned down and whispered, 

Theo: I'll take care of Tom. You go take care of them.

When I looked up, Potter still had his wand raised and his friends had theirs in hand. Before I knew what was going on, I stood up and started walking towards them. As I walked towards them, I said,

Y/N: Potter. A few things you should know before you decide to attack or hex a Riddle or any Slytherin in general. One, Slytherin's stick together. Two, us Riddle's get our father's temper and our mother's hatred. Three, having our mother's hatred means that we can hold a grudge all of our lives. Four, you attack one of our siblings...

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them back up, everyone gasped. Then I yelled,

Y/N: attack all of us!

What I didn't notice was that I was now floating in the air just above the tables. I cast the sleeping spell on all three of them. I felt myself falling and someone catch me but I blacked out before I could tell anything about the situation after I cast the spell.

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