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I woke up about 3 hours later and Tom was sitting by me. A few minutes later, Theo walked in to the room with some glasses of water. When Theo saw that I was awake, he ran over to me and asked,

Theo: Hey! Do you remember everything?

Y/N: Yeah. Thank you for helping me.

Tom & Theo: Anything for you baby sis

Y/N: Does Draco know we are back yet?

Tom: No. We kept it a secret and made sure no one told him. We figured you would want to surprise him.

I thought about it and smiled. Tom made sure I was allowed to go then we walked to the Slytherin boys dorms. We met Blaise on the way to Draco's dorm and asked if he would go in and check to see what Draco was doing. He told us that he had just come out of there and that Draco was sitting on his bed but he wasn't very talkative. I told him thanks and we walked the rest of the way to his room. When I knocked, I heard a soft come in from in the room. When I walked in, Draco was sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his hair. He grabbed my wrist and said,

D: Pansy! I've told you before to leave me alone. I don't want to comforting me. I just want my girlfriend back. I miss her. Now, leave. Me. Alone!

Then threw my hand away from him. When he looked up, I was holding my shoulder. Before he could say anything, I walked over to him and whispered,

Y/N: I'll be back

D: No, please sta-

When he went to protest, I held up my hand then turned around and walked out of the door. I walked to my dorm and grabbed some sweat pants and a tank-top, then I went to my bathroom and got a shower. When I got out of the shower, I put on my clothes then left and headed over to Draco's dorm room again. I didn't bother to knock this time and when I walked in, Draco was laying on his bed and had already gotten a shower and changed. I walked over to him and pulled the covers back just to slide under them and he did the same right beside me.

I lay there and watched him and he stared at the ceiling. I didn't think he was up for talking, so I turned my back to him and got ready to go to sleep. Before I knew it, I heard soft sobs beside me. I turned back over but his back was turned to me now so I reached over and ran my hand up his side. He wouldn't look at me so I pulled his shoulder until he was laying on his back again.

Even then, he had his head turned away from me so I put my hand under his chin and made him look at me. There were still tears in his eyes. I sat up and pulled him into me which made him cry some more. I hugged him and ran my fingers through his hair while he let his feelings out. When I didn't hear anymore sobs, I pulled away and saw that he was just sitting there now with his arms around my waist. He looked up at me and said,

D: You remember everything now?

Y/N: Yes, I remember everything.

D: Good. Sorry that I hurt your shoulder a little bit ago, I thought you were Pansy.

Y/N: Why did you think I was Pansy?

D: Because ever since you lost your memories, she would come over every hour to make sure I was okay. I didn't wa...

But before he could finish, we heard a knock on the door and Pansy walked in. When she saw I was there, she said,

P: Thank goodness you're back. Since you are in the same bed with him, I'm guessing you got your memories back. Anyways, I came to check on him. He started not wanting to sleep, eat, do his work, and stayed in his room the whole time

Y/N: Thank you for coming to check on him Pansy

She nodded, said goodnight, and left. I looked down at Draco but he was already looking up at me.

Y/N: What?

D: I'm just wondering why you would care for someone like me. You could probably get any other guy in this school, but you chose me. I just wanted to know why.

Y/N: Well, that's a very easy question to answer. Because you're different and I love you.

He sat there for a minute in thought. I thought I said something wrong, so I moved away from him and slid down under the covers. Before long I felt his hand snake it's way under my arm and wrap around my waist to pull me closer to him. After a minute of laying there like that he said,

D: You know, I never get to hear that ever.

Y/N: Your parents never say it?

D: No, they don't care that I am their son. They just want to use me to pass on the Malfoy name. I always wondered what it would feel like to hear that someone loved me.

Y/N: Well, you can know that I will always love you. You're my Little Softie.

I turned towards him and he looked me in the eyes then down at my lips. Before I knew what I was doing, I leaned forward slightly and softly kissed him on the lips and he returned the kiss, just as softly. We laid there and he broke the silence by saying,

D: I was so worried that you would never remember me again. I don't know what I would do if that happened. Y/N, you are my life and nothing will ever change that.

Y/N: If that ever happened, you would most likely try to make me remember and if I never remembered, you would try to make me fall in love with you again. Draco, you are my love, my life, and my world.

He smiled and planted another soft kiss on my lips then pulled away and I cuddled up to his chest. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep in the arms of the boy I loved and I felt safe.

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