The Announcement

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When I woke up the next morning, I saw that Draco was still laying there asleep. Some time during the night, he had taken his shirt off and must have thrown it on the floor. As he lay there, I watched him sleep and he looked so peaceful. Then all of the events from last night had come back to mind. From me crying in his arms to him asking me to be his girlfriend. I started blushing a bit while thinking about it then with me still watching him, he woke up and looked right at me. When he saw me watching him, he smiled and in his morning voice said,

D: Good morning Princess. How did you sleep?

Y/N: Very well, thank you. What about you?

He hesitated, and I asked,

Y/N: Hey, what's wrong?

D: Nothing

Y/N: Yes, there is. I can see it in your eyes

D: (smiled) You apparently know me better than myself. Anyways, are you ready for breakfast?

Y/N: Yeah. Let's go.

He avoided my question. I wonder what's wrong with him. I'll have to ask Theo or Tommy. We got up, and got changed. Since it was Friday, we got to have a free day and we didn't have to wear our uniforms. We could wear anything we would like.

Draco's POV

After we got up, she grabbed some clothes from her dresser and went to change. When she came out of the bathroom, she looked beautiful in what she changed into.

Her Outfit

Her Outfit

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When I saw what she was wearing, I had the perfect idea

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When I saw what she was wearing, I had the perfect idea.

D: Hey, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes?

D: When is your birthday?

Y/N: September 4th, why?

D: Oh, I was just wondering.

She shrugged and went back to doing her hair. Then I thought to myself, Well, that's this Monday. I wonder how fast I can get that here.

Then she turned to me and said,

Y/N: Alright. I'm ready when you are.

D: Alright beautiful. Let's go get breakfast.

We headed out of her dorm. When we got to the dining hall, she looked at me and said,

Y/N: You do know we have to tell my brothers now right?

D: Yes darling, I know. We'll tell them when you are ready.

She nodded and we want to get breakfast. As we reached the Slytherin in table I saw Blaize, and Pansy sitting there staring at us and giggling. When we got over to the table and sat down, I asked,

D: What are you two giggling about?

P: We came looking for you last night and you were nowhere to be found so we went back to my dorm to think about where you could be and we found you two cuddling in her bed. Care to elaborate?

I looked at Y/N and she had turned a light shade of pink. I looked down at her then whispered in her ear,

D: Do you want me to tell them now or do you want to? Or we can just wait for another time when you are ready to tell them.

She just shook her head and took a deep breath before saying,

Y/N: Draco and I are now dating.

P: Oh, that is wonderful you two. When did this happen?

Y/N: Last night before we went to sleep.

Y/n's POV

Pansy and Blaize congratulated Draco and I and then ran to class. Now all I had to do is tell my brothers.

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