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{A/N: Theo, Tom, and Y/N parents are Voldemort and Bellatrix. Theo is going to be referred to as Mattheo when it comes to their parents. Y/N has always been her mother's favorite and Theo has always been his father's favorite. Tom is not a favorite for either parent and is blamed with everything. The children don't have favorites when it comes to their parents. Okay, now that I finished. Back to the story! LOL}


We got home and I ran to find Ma and Dad. When I ran into the living room, they were sitting there talking to each other but I startled them. They jumped up and said,

V: Y/N! What are you doing home already?

Y/N: We had to come home because something happened.

B: Are you okay!?

Y/N: Actually Ma, I'm not sure. Mattheo and Tom are in the other room. They can probably tell you something cause I don't remember anything about my time at Hogwarts.

My parents looked at me confused then walked into the dinning room with me right behind them. As we walked in, I saw Tom stiffen and step back from Theo. I thought, He never has been either of our parent's favorite. I love him nonetheless. I love my whole family equally.

But what happened next, I never would have expected. Father walked up to Tom and slapped him then mother did the same. Father was going back for a second round when Theo stepped in front of him. Mother then stepped up to slap Theo out of the way. I couldn't watch Tom get hit again and I wouldn't stand by when they didn't do anything. I ran as quickly as I could in front of Theo and I got there in enough time to be smacked instead of my brother. She stepped back very quickly when she realized who she had hit and said,

B: Oh honey! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to slap you but you stepped in the way. Let me see your face.

She stepped towards me and reached towards me but I pulled back until I was leaning into Theo with all of my weight. When she saw the tears in my eyes, she dropped her hand and walked out of the dinning room and back to the living room. When she was gone, I looked at my father and he was looking at where she had just left through.

Tom's POV

I saw Ma and Dad walk over to me and raise their hands but I didn't have enough time to react. Once they had both hit me once, Father came back and raised his hand once more. I closed my eyes and waited but nothing happened. I opened my eyes when I heard someone else get slapped. When I opened my eyes, Y/N's face was still looking sideways from where mother had hit her. Theo was standing in front of me so I could only guess that Y/N stood in front of him to keep him from getting hit.

Mom walked towards Y/N with her hand raised to her cheek level as she went to check on her favorite child but Y/N leaned back into Theo and away from our parents. She put her had down and walked back into the living room and I looked back to Y/N. She stood there with tears in her eyes and her hand on her cheek. I stepped out from around Theo and walked to my baby sister. When I reached her, she looked up at me while I moved her hand from her cheek. It was really red.

She and I walked to the kitchen and left Mattheo and Father in the dinning room to talk about what happened to Y/N. Then I thought to myself, Probably better that I'm not in there right now. Don't want to start anything else.

When we got to the kitchen, Y/N sat in one of the chairs while I got a rag and wet it with cold water. I handed it to her and she just looked at me with tears threatening to over flow. I don't see her cry very often but when I do, I know that I will do anything to make her happy again. I kneeled down in front of her and she followed me with her eyes only.

When I was to her level, I looked her in the eyes and said,

Tom: Thanks for standing in front of us little sis. You will always be the strongest of the three of us.

Y/N: Your welcome. I'm only strong because you and Theo make me strong. I love you big brother.

She lurched forward, wrapping her arms around my neck as I whispered,

Tom: I love you too little sis. You are the only reason I wake up in the morning because you are the most important thing to me.


As he said those last words, something in me snapped. I pulled back and looked him in the eyes. He looked confused and asked,

Tom: What? What's wrong?

Y/N: You said that I'm to only reason you wake up in the morning.

Tom: Yeah. What about it?

Y/N: I want you to promise me something

Tom: I have a feeling that I'm going to regret this later but sure.

Y/N: If something ever happens to me, don't stop waking up, for me. If something happens to me, you have to promise that you will keep waking up if I can't.

As I watched my brother's face, I saw the understanding in his eyes and then the fear. I thought, I never knew he was afraid of something.

I got snapped out of my thought process when he said,

Tom: I don't want to promise that cause nothing is going to happen to you. I will protect you until my last breath.

Y/N: (smiled) Please? If something happens to me, Theo is going to need you too. If something happens to me, I want you to keep going for me and keep going for Theo. You say I am the strong one. If that is true and something happens to me, Theo is going to need a strong person there when he needs you. Promise me?

He thought for a minute, then nodded and said,

Tom: If anything happens to you, I promise that I will keep going for you and I will be the strong one for Theo.

Y/N: Thank you

He nodded as him hand glowed letting us know that our promise symbol had appeared again. We waited until we heard Father call us. We walked in Tom stayed right behind me the whole time. Instead of Father talking, it was Theo.

Theo: He said that it sounds like you used to much power but Snape should be able to make a potion to help you get your memories back.

Y/N: Okay

My brothers nodded and we said goodbye to Father then I went to say goodbye to Mother. I walked into the living room and cleared my throat which made my mother spin in my direction. She stood up very quickly and rushed over to me and wrapped me in a hug. She gave me her apologies and I accepted. We said our goodbyes, then Theo and Tom transported us back to school.

As soon as I got back, I felt like I needed to go find the white-haired boy from before. Instead, we went to find Professor Snape. Theo told him that our father had sent us and he got the potion for us as quickly as he could. It was ready in about an hour. He handed it to me and I looked at my brother's and said,

Y/N: Wish me luck

Tom &Theo: Good luck little sis

I drank it and it tasted really weird. Before I knew what happened, I blacked out.

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