SET (coffee and tears)

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God must've heard my prayers. I am now with the love of my life a.k.a Kim Dahyun. I'm just head over heels for her. She has this beautiful deep brown eyes, pink lips, creamy white and soft skin, blonde hair, set of pearly white teeth, and a sweet and fruity scent that you just can't get enough of. I swear she's a goddess.

After that coffee incident, she took me to the nearest boutique and bought me a new shirt. It's not exactly the same as my shirt but the price itself costs more than my car. I took her to Starbucks and treat her to an Iced Americano.

As we were making our way back to our classroom, we spotted a familiar figure running towards the way to the gate followed by a more familiar face. It was Mina and Sana. Sana was calling her as Mina ran like some sort of penguin. Her arms waggling on each side and her face was beet-red. I couldn't laugh at her because she seems devastated.

Dahyun and I exchanged weird expressions and decided to follow the two.

We finally found them by the Parking lot and the sight was just stunning. Sana was hugging Mina while they were catching their breaths.

Wait what??


Whew!  Damn this girl can run! she may have short legs but she's fast as hell.

As I was trying to catch up on her, I noticed that she runs like a penguin. Cute.

I was glad that I caught up on her. She was in the Parking Lot trying to open her car door. Well, that's actually my car. Maybe she didn't notice it. This girl is damn distracted. I went closer to her and put my arms on the door handle trying to stop her. She looked behind her and saw me. Her eyes looks like it's coming out of its sockets. I grinned and put my other arm around her to remove her hand from my car door. If you're gonna think of it, it looks like I'm hugging her but I'm not. I wish I could. She was stunned for a moment and suddenly I just felt a stinging pain in my stomach.

Oh my god did she just hit me???

"Pervert! Ju-just... because I'm a-attracted to you doesn't mean you can harrass me like t-that!!!!!!!!!" Mina practically yelled in my face and shoved me on the ground.

Whe she realized what she did, she covered her mouth and immediately went down to help me.


I knew it. This will be the worst day of my life. I just punched Sana in the gut and accused her of being a pervert. I felt tears on my cheeks.

I thought she was back hugging me.

She was just trying to reach for my hand.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry. I-I  didn't mean it! I s-swear I don't!" I said, already scared of what's gonna happen next.

"Are you a sadist or something? Your seriously can throw a punch. Oww!" she said while soothing her stomach.

"I'm sorry okay? It was your fault anyway! Why were you trying to hold my hand! I was just trying to open my car!" I said, now fuming.

She may be my crush and adorable as hell, but her grin is really sucking all my remaining patience.

"Your car? Are you sure about that?" she said, still grinning from ear to ear as she took her keys out of her jeans. She pressed the remote and the Porsche beeped. Don't tell me-----

"That princess, is my car. Yours is over there." she pointed out to where my car is and I just wished someone would just bury me alive right now. I'm so embarrassed.

"I.... I..... I didn't know." I bowed my head because of embarassment.

Suddenly two people came walking in.

"What the hell was that for Mina? Are you two a thing now and you suddenly dumped her that's why you punched this beautiful creature in the gut?" Momo said looking confused but with a teasing voice. She kept nudging my side.

Now where did I put my taser again? I'll taze this bitch up.

"She was not... we were not....! ughh!! It's not what it looks like okay??"

"Whoa. Chill there. What made you punch my friend? Was she being an ass again?" Dahyun asked calmly.

"Well ---- she-----we------ I - - uhh..."

"What?" Both Dahyun and Momo asked.

Then Sana answered.

"Well I was just being a good samaritan here. You see, we were at the classroom and I was just trying to call her coz she's stepping on my dropped pen. When I tried calling her again, she ran away like she saw a monster. She even tripped. I  ran after her as she was trying to open my car. She thought I was hugging her BUT, I was trying to remove her hand and she suddenly punched me. And now here we are." she explained briefly and I'm dying of humiliation.

"Pfft. You tripped?" Momo asked trying to stop herself from laughing.

I swear she's an idiot

"That's not the point okay? I was just.. i don't know. I got scared? But... ughh!! Nevermind okay? Let's go." I said as I drag Momo out of there.

"Hey Kim don't forget to call me!" She shouted, talking to Dahyun as we were walking.

She turned to me.

"Okay You and I are gonna talk this over a drink. Come with me later after class. Same place." Momo said

"Fine. I really need it anyway." I said as we went to the cafeteria.

I need a breather.


I actually have a lot of ideas about this. I don't ship Mina and Sana but I need them in this story sooooo,, yeah. Keep reading. Saranghae.

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