Chapter 1 The Reagans

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It was November 26, 2007, and everyone in New York was headed to one of the biggest events of year, the New York Police Academy Graduation, also called N.Y.P.A.G. The police academy was a place where people could sign up to become cops through months of preparation. It was kind of like a year of high school except a "little" more advanced. During the ceremony, the first person to get called up to get their official certificate was Jameson Reagan. His father was the police commissioner of New York. After he got his certificate, he sat back down. Then it was someone else's turn. This went on for a good 30 minutes. After they got their certificates, the ceremony was over and everyone was able to leave. When they did Jameson went to his family. His dad said "I'm proud of you son." "Thanks dad." "Yeah I'm proud of you to knuckle head." That was his older brother Danny. "Congratulations Jamie." "Thanks sis." That was his older sister Erin. Danny was the oldest, then Erin, then Joe, who died 2 years before, then the youngest Reagan, Jamie. Danny said "Yeah, well now he is just like the rest of us Reagans, no longer a "golden boy", just another boot in a suit." "Shut up Danny. Don't bust my chops." "Hey what are older brothers for?" Jamie rolled his eyes. Erin said "Don't listen to him Jamie. I'm proud of you; you accomplished what you wanted, and did a great job." "Thanks sis, and hey who knows I may decide to end up like you." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You know....a loner." Danny laughed and said 'Little brother is learning how to get on Erin's nerves. I've taught him well." "Shut up Danny, don't you have to go catch another petty thieve or something." Everyone said "Ohhhhhhhhhh." "Hey their not petty, but some of them are pretty, which is more than I can say for some." Danny smiled but Erin rolled her eyes. She said "Dad, why did you have to curse me with such a jerk as an older brother, and such a pain as a little brother?" "Luck I suppose." Erin rolled her eyes again. Then Danny's phone rang. It was his partner Jackie Curatola. She had a case. Danny said "I'll have to buy you a drink some other time little brother and I'll have to avoid you some other time little sister." "How about Sunday 12 sharp." "Works out fine for me. I gotta go. Bye everyone." After he said good bye he made his way to the crime scene. When he got there, the police were already looking over what was found at the scene, so he made his way over to his partner and said "So what happened?" "Well we think she was forced into getting taken." "This is based on what exactly?" "Well we found this doll close to the place where two boys found a pink back pack lying." "So you're assuming she was lured into someone or something in other words?" "Exactly." "Well, I propose we do a little research. Let's find some witnesses; chances are there is someone close who could've seen something even the slightest bit suspicious." Jackie nodded. The first person they came to was someone in the building across from where the crime took place. They went to the first door and a man came out. Danny said "Detectives Reagan and Curatola. Where were you the afternoon of yesterday around 3 p.m.?" "I was at home why?" "Because, a little girl is missing. Did you happen to see anything suspicious?" "Now that you mention it, yes I did, a white van with a broken back window pulled up next to her and she walked in and the next thing I know they zoom out of here like there was a Black Friday sale at Walmart." "Do you know who could've been the driver?" "Uh, no sorry. Well actually it could've been a convict named Greg Harman." "Why do you think this?" "Well I used to know him. He's kinda known for this stuff, if you know what I mean. He could've easily pulled this off." "Yes, well we understand. Do you know where we could find this guy?" "Sorry no. He could be literally anywhere." "Alright, thank you. If we need any more we'll call you in." "Alright." Danny then left alongside Curatola. When they got back to the station, Danny did some research on this Harman guy, and sure enough he came up with a police record. Danny said "Jackie, I found something. Says here he was arrested for assault and battery, and well what do you know, kidnapping." "That's gotta be our guy." "Gotta be? It IS our guy." "Same difference. What is the address?" "Um here it says 436 Postman Blvd." "Alright let's go." Meanwhile, Jamie, their dad Frank, their grandfather/great great grandfather Henry, and Jack and Sean (Danny's kids) were playing a nice game of chess and watching TV. Their mom was at work at the hospital. Danny and Jackie made their way to Postman Blvd. When they did so, there was a man in the house and he wouldn't cooperate. Danny said "Let us in!" finally he did but he ran. Danny tackled him. He said "You gonna cooperate now? Where is the little girl?" "I don't know!!" "You do know!" "I don't!" "You do now tell us!!!!!!" "Ok, ok, she is in a storage locker, but I don't know which one." "What do you mean?" "My boss, he took her. Not me. I just know where she is, I don't know what number locker, because he knew this would happen." "Where do we find your boss and what is his name?" "His name is Gonzalez Lopez. And he hangs out at a bar, The Drink, around this time. If he finds out I told you I'll die." "Look, we won't let that happen lock your windows, lock your doors get bullet proof windows then lock them, take all necessary precautions if your that scared. Thanks for the info." Then they left. They soon made their way to "The drink" When they got there, Jackie said "Police. Is there a Gonzalez Lopez here?" Next thing you know he ran. Danny tackled him and got the number of the locker and went and got the girl. She was ok, and unharmed. The next day was Sunday, and as always the Reagans had Sunday dinner after church. As they were sitting at the table some sibling rivalry broke out. Danny sat there and said "So sis, got a man lately?" "Danny!" "What? Can't a brother be curious?" "No. ever heard of privacy?" Jamie said "Ever heard of ask and you shall receive?" "Shut up both of you!" Jamie and Danny laughed. Danny then said "So Erin, are you sure there is no love interest? I mean I saw a guy outside the office holding a cup wanting money that looked like he'd be perfect for you." "Danny!" Frank said "Danny that's enough." "I was just letting her know." "Shut up." "Danny, I said that's enough." Jamie said "Erin, I won't ask about your love life-" "Thank you Jamie." "I mean why would I ask about something you don't have!" "Jamie!" Frank said "Alright that's enough. Boys leave your sister alone. Gosh I feel like I'm talking to a 12 year old a 10 year old and an 6 year old, and missing an 8 year old." They all laughed. Erin rolled her eyes. Later that day Erin was on a case and there was a shooting and she was held as a hostage. Jamie came and so did Danny as police, and rescued Erin. She said "Thank you." "Sure thing sis." Next Sunday at dinner, Erin said "Thanks for saving me." Danny said "What was that?" then Jamie said "Yeah we didn't hear you." "Oh Shut up. You heard me. Thank you." "You're welcome." After dinner they did the dishes. Erin said "Why do you guys have to be such jerks?" "It's natural." "Danny shut up." "Oh come on just having a little fun. So anyway how's your love life?" "Danny!" "Any love interest?" "DANNY!" Danny laughed. Erin put him in a headlock. Danny reversed it and put her hands behind her back. Then he let her go. She said "Why are you guys such jerks to me?" "Look, Erin we love ya. But-" "There's always a but." "We're your brothers, we are supposed to give you a hard time and aggravate ya." "Well you're good at it." "Yeah well, it's a gift, and we've had a lot of practice." Jamie said "Look Erin, we make fun of you and aggravate you because it's easy, funny, and well it' funny." "Very original Jamie." "Shut up Erin." "See sis. You got a couple of zingers. Look just calm down." "I'm calm. And thanks for last week. I appreciate it." "I'm sure you do. And you're welcome." "Danny," "Yeah?" "Why do you have to be older? I mean you aggravated me as a kid, and things like that. Jamie's younger then me and he did the same thing you did. Followed in his big brother's footsteps I see." "Ok, look, wonder pet, we love you, no matter what we say or do to you. Just know that. K?" "Danny, you can be such a jerk, but your there for me and have my back when it counts, you both do, thanks for that." "No problem sis." Jamie said "Yeah you have ours, and its only right that we have yours." Erin said "Thanks." After that little conversation, they made their way into the living room and watched home movies with the rest of the family for the night.

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