Chapter 10 Matt's First Birthday

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It was a snowy day in NYC in Every kid was in school doing their assignments. After school let out, Sean Reagan ran all the way to the bus stop at the end of the school to go home. He was ready to go home. On his way home, he thought about how he was going to be 13 in two days. When he got home, his dad was sitting at the kitchen table eating pizza. Sean said, "Hey dad, remember what's in two days?"  Danny looked up and smiled, then then said, "Yeah, your finally 13. How do you feel?" "Like a teenager." Danny said, "How so?" Sean said," You know, grumpy and stand-of-ish. Like Jack." Danny said," Hey, c'mon now, don't stereotype your brother. But hey, your not the youngest Reagan anymore. I'm sure your happy about that." Sean said "Yeah, I guess so. Gotta do homework. Bye dad." Danny said, "Wait, buddy, Matt's first birthday is tomorrow at Sunday dinner." Sean said, "Ok.  Bye Dad." Sean went upstairs to do his homework. While he was, he thought about how he wasn't the youngest Reagan anymore. After his homework, he ate dinner, showered, and watched a little TV before his mom got home, and sent him to bed. Meanwhile, over at Eddie and Jamie's, Matthew was being stubborn. He wouldn't eat anything. He kept pushing his mother's hand away and crying. Eddie said, "I don't know what his problem is Jamie. First his hair turned blond, and I thought I left the bleach out again when I was cleaning the bathroom, and really it just got blond like some baby's hair does when they are little and turns back to brown, and now he won't eat any more than applesauce. Maybe he's tired. C'mon baby, let's take a bath and get ready for bed." Jamie said, "He's saving his appetite for his birthday tomorrow." Eddie said, "Ha-ha Jamie." Eddie took Matthew into the bathroom, bathed him, put his footy pajamas on him, and rocked him to sleep, than gently laid him in the crib, and let him sleep.

The next day, after church, was Matthew's party. When Jamie and Eddie got there with Matt, everyone was setting up the decorations and streamers for his party. After they got finished, they had cake and iced cream, and gave Matt his presents. Afterwards,  Eddie said, "happy birthday Matt." Matt said, "Goo, goo." everyone smiled. Matt had a great first birthday, and later he went home and played with his toys.

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