Chapter 5 Big Brother Is Always Watching

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It was a sunny day in New York City. Things were no different than they always were, and things were going good. Although, at the NYPD, things couldn't be worse. A little boy had been killed. Danny Reagan was on the case. He put his coat on and started to leave. As he was, his partner Maria Baez said "Hey, Raegan, I did some research. Turns out this killing happened within a 3 mile radius of a previous one." "So that means that since this one happened at 5th avenue, the next one will happen at Washington Heights." "Exactly." "Alright let's go." Danny made his way to Washington Heights. On his way there, he said "So what's this killer look like?" "Well one of the witnesses said that the killer was Richard Da Gaulle, but nothing seems to check out." "What do you mean?" "Well, his record is clean." "Exactly what the killer would want. A clean record means no one would suspect he did something he obviously did." "Good point. Hey Raegan look." Danny looked out the window, and there was a guy that fit the description of the killer dragging a kid along with him. Danny and Baez jumped out of the car and Danny screamed "HEY! Let the kid go! Police!" The guy ran faster, but Danny was on his tail. He grabbed the kid, threw him to Baez, and jumped on top of the guy. He said "Richard Da Gaulle, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent; everything you say can be used against you, in a court of law." Richard got up, and Danny took him over to the police station to get identified, go to court, and he got 3-5. After the trial was over, Danny had to meet up with Erin in her office, so he figured he'd go ahead and head over there. When he got there, he went into her office and hid behind the door, and waited for her to come in. Finally she did and he slammed the door, she then gasped and turned around, then said "Ugh! Danny!" Danny just smirked a little. Danny said "So when were you planning to tell me." "Tell you what?" "About your midnight visitor?" "I didn't want to bother you." "So you call 911 instead and tell them that someone broke into your apartment and rearranged your stuff?" "I'm telling you, someone was in there last night." "And two nights before." "Look here me out. Last week it was a table that moved, then it was my desk that got rearranged, and this morning a picture of Nicky was turned upside down." Danny just sat down and didn't say a word. Erin said "You remember that book that you used to scare me with when we were kids, Helter Skelter?" "Yeah you mean like people creepy crawling, moving stuff around, freaking people out." "Yeah, and no one should know this case better than you, that's for sure." "Hey, I don't do that anymore, and look next time you have a problem like this come to me first, so I don't have to hear about it from other officers and workers, it's kind of embarrassing." Then he made his way to the door. Erin looked down and her pencils were moved over to the edge of the desk. She said "Danny!" Danny turned around and said "What?" and Erin pointed agitatedly at the pencils and where they used to be, and Danny just laughed and said "Hey, what are older brothers for?" Erin laughed a little and said "Shut up Danny." And then Danny left. He got his partner Baez and they went to check out the security cameras in Erin's building. They found a blonde girl going up to her floor. Danny was a little agitated, the first two nights it was a girl, the last night it was a guy. They couldn't get a clear picture of the people's faces. That night Erin had to work late, and while she was her co-worker got attacked going to the elevator. She went over to the elevator and saw a patch of some kind. She called for security and for 911, then Danny showed up with his partner Baez. They looked at the ground and saw a biker patch, and he said "So what's your beef with biker gangs?" "I got their leader Daren "Dog" Bruno last week for accessory to murder." "Well, you think it could be his guys? I mean with a black headed male last night and blonde female two nights before?" "Well, could've." "We'll check it out, and YOU keep a look out." Erin nodded, meanwhile, Danny made his way over NYCJF (New York City Jail Facility), to question Bruno. He said "So, you been talking to any of your buddies lately?" "What's it to you? And hey I don't know nothin' about that district attorney nut job that got attacked, and I know what you're thinking, and we hear stuff. Our tenants let us listen to the news, and that's all they talk about." "Don't call the district attorney a nut job." "What are you her bodyguard?" "No, worse....I'm her older brother." "Then you should know better than anyone that I wouldn't mess with someone like that." "Just confess!" "Look I don't know nothin'!" "Give it up numb nuts! You want to see the light of day again; I suggest you tell me who you've been talkin' to." "Look, I haven't been talking to anyone! Why you be trippin' bro? Not like I hurt your precious, and dumb little sister." "Don't talk about my kid sister like that. Now just tell me who've you've been talkin' to." While he was talking, Baez came in and said "Danny! We've got something." "Coming. You're lucky jail bird!" Danny left and followed Baez. Baez showed him something on the computer. Apparently Bruno sent out a phone call to Breslow Leeder in Long Island. Danny and Baez made their way over there and found a guy in the bar named Sully. Danny took him back to the Precinct. He said "Ok, we have tapes showing you and girlfriend breaking into an apartment on 7th street just after midnight last night." "What are you talking about?" "We know about the phone call between Bruno and you Sully!" "Ok, so he called me, but I'm glad he's locked up. The man was insane! He'd just get mad at people for no reason! He was a horrible boss." Danny believed the guy for some reason, and moved on to interview Erin's co-worker, who was finally well enough to speak. He said "Hi Morgan, I'm Erin's brother, just wanted you to know we have the guy who attacked you, your safe now." And then showed her a picture. She said "No, that's not him." "What do you mean that's not him?" "The guy who attacked me had a snake tattoo on his neck." Danny ran out of the hospital, picked up Baez, called for police backup, and made his way to DC Gang Pub in Washington Heights. Then a guy and a woman came out on a motorcycle, and shot at Danny and Baez, then Danny cut them off, and Baez cuffed the girl and punched her and said "That's for shooting at us." Danny kneed the guy in the back then punched him and said "That's for messin' with my kid sister." Then they booked them, and they got 10 to 30 for attempted murder, on an assistant district attorney. Finally Sunday dinner rolled around, and while they were sitting at the table Erin said "I guess I owe you a "Thank you" Danny." "No problem sis. I just couldn't see someone messin' with you other than me or Harvard over there." "Well, thank you Danny." Erin looked down and saw her fork moved to the other side of her plate. She said "Danny!" Danny just smiled. Erin shook her head and sighed. Nicky said "What'd he do?" "He did what he and Jamie and Joe used to do to each other, including me when we were kids. They were pretending to be like the people in Helter Skelter and they would move my stuff around to freak me out." "What would you do to them?" "Hit them and yell at them, but clearly it didn't work, because HE just moved my fork to the other side of my plate somehow." Danny just smirked, and said "Hey, what can I say? I'm a professional." They all just laughed, and that was the end of that.

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