Chapter 7 Oh Family

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It was a wonderfully hot day in NYC. Everyone was going for water. Which anybody who has been to New York, knows that's unusual. Anyway, at the 5-4 precinct, everything was anything but wonderfully great. Danny Reagan and his partner Baez, were talking and waiting on a case to come in. Danny said "So Baez,  anything new?" "No, any thing new with you? How's the family?" "No, and good." While they were talking, their Sergeant, Fred Gormley, came in the squad room and said "Reagan, Baez, Coney Island. Kid got kidnapped." Danny said "Copy that Sarge."  Danny and Baez, got up and made their way over to the Coney Island Amusement Park. When they got their, whom they assumed was the victims mother, was were flustered. Danny walked up the lady and said "Ma'am, detective Reagan, this my partner detective Baez. Can you tell us what happened." The woman said "He was only 8 years old. We were eating Lunch, and he said he had to go to the bathroom, after 20 minutes he didn't come back. I kept looking for him, but 2 hours later he was no where to be found. Please you have to help me find my son!" Baez said "We'll do everything we can ma'am. What is your son's name?"  "Leo." Baez looked at Danny and than back at the woman. Danny said "Ma'am thank you for-" he was quickly interrupted. The woman screamed "That's Leo! Leo! Leo!" The boy turned around and tried to get to his mother but the man standing next to him grabbed his arm. Danny ran over to the man and said "Police! Hands where I can see them!" The man stopped and put his hands in the air. Danny went over and arrested him, and Leo ran to his mother. They took him back to the squad room, then to the court room where he was sentenced 8 months in the correctional facility, or the NYCCF. Danny's tour ended early that night, so he was able to make it home for dinner. On his way home, he drove by Central Park, and when he did, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was Nicky ......on  date. As soon as he realized this, he watched them like a hawk. It was getting later, and he wanted to be home by dinner, so he stopped watching her and headed home.  The next day, while Danny was getting some coffee, Nicky walked in. Her eye was swollen shut and she had a bruised arm. When Danny turned around and saw her, he didn't know what to think. He ran over to her and said "Nicky, what happened?" "It's a long story Uncle Danny." "Nicky, does your mom know about this?" "Yeah she said go to either you or Uncle Jamie." "Nicky tell me what happened." "Ok, ok, I was on a date with this guy named Bobby Marks. He said he cared about me, and everything, but when he tried to make a move on me, I told him I didn't want to so he kept trying and I kept saying no. After that he hit me in the eye, and then in the arm, and I ran to the subway and got home and cried. Mom wasn't to happy when she saw me." "I'm not happy with the way you look, I can imagine your mom wasn't. Nicky, where does this Bobby Marks hang out?" "The Cardin Swim and Pub but-" "No buts, I'm gonna get this SOB if the last thing I do." "Uncle Jamie volunteered to help there was more than one guy, but the other just laughed at me.  Uncle Jamie is handling them." "You go home and stay safe. I'm gonna get that SOB for what he did to you. Go on home." Danny hugged her and sent her on her way. He was infuriated. He ran Bobby Marks name through the system and found his address, and more. He got Baez and they hit up The Cardin Swim and Pub. He walked in and the TV was going. He shut it off and said "Is there a Bobby Marks in here?" Baez went to the back of the Pub, and sure enough as she did a guy started to run. Baez stopped him and cuffed him. Danny said "Baez, allow me." Danny kneed him in the back, slapped the back of his head and punched him in the side, then said " That's for messin' with my niece. You ever try and make a move on and hurt my niece again, your dead. Understand me punk?" Bobby said "Oh your Nicky's uncle aren't you?" "Well, aren't you smarter than 5th grader." When they got back to the squad room, Jamie had the other guy who Nicky said laughed at her. He looked pretty beat up. Danny said "Kid, what happened to him?" "I roughed him up a little. And yours?" "I roughed him up a little same as you." The guys ended up going to the NYCCF for 6 months each. Finally Sunday Dinner rolled around. Nicky's eye was now open, a little sore, but better over all, and the bruise on her arm, was gone. Nicky said "Thanks Uncle Danny and Uncle Jamie." Jamie said "No problem." Danny said "Yeah, and no more dating." Jamie said "Yeah agreed." Sean and Jack said "Yeah." Frank and Henry said "Agreed." Erin and Nicky couldn't believe it. Nicky said "Talk about over protective." Erin said "Aren't you happy you have a family who care about  who you date." Linda said "Aren't you though?" Nicky said "That depends, can I ever date again?" The whole table said "No." Nicky said "Then...I don't know." They all laughed. She was happy they all were so protective of her, although she had a feeling it might get annoying sometimes. The rest of the dinner, they all just laughed and talked.

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