Chapter 2

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Chongyun's Pov:

I woke up and started my day like every other day, get out of bed eat breakfast, train and hang out with Xingqiu, I didn't know why I missed saying that name, I mean he's here with me so why did I feel sad when saying his name, I was so focused on why saying his name felt weird that I didn't notice the wooden stick in front of me, I hit my head face first in the door, I let go of my popsicle because of how much impact I hit the stick with to the point where I bounced back and fell at my butt, I heard a slight giggle so I turned to the side to see Xingqiu laughing a little before he extended a hand for me to grab, I grabbed his hand as he helped me get up from the floor. we went to wanmin restaurant together, he ordered Crystal shrimp and I ordered some cold noodles, I was eating my food but from the corner of my eye I see Xingqiu looking at me with food in his chopsticks, I turned around to look at him and ask him what he wanted. I was about to say something until I felt food go in my mouth, it was only a matter of seconds until I felt the wooden chopsticks leave my mouth and the food being the only one that was left behind. I felt my face heat up and xingqiu looked at me concerned, he got close to my face placed his hand on my cheeks and said "why is your face so warm? Are you sick!? If you are I can take you home.." this little devil, knows what he's doing.

After we finished eating we headed somewhere private so I could train while he would read.
I was training for hours so I was full of sweat, Xingqiu must've noticed since he was walking towards me with a cloth in his hand, he was so close to my face to the point our noses were nearly touching he took the cloth and brought to my face as he started wiping my sweat away. My face was heating up again, I was praying to the archons that Xingqiu wouldn't notice the obvious red streak that went across my face but ofcours sometimes the God's hate me so Xingqiu did notice and he got 'worried' once again, he touched my cheek using the back of his palm, gah damn it was so soft I'm sure my face got redder, he definitely knows what he's doing. after he saw my face he laughed so hard to the point I'm sure his lungs were almost dry, after he finished laughing he was holding onto my shoulder for balance, so I helped him a little by putting his arm around my neck and putting my other arm around his waist, I was helping him stand up while he let out small giggles but he managed to calm down and stand up by himself.

It was getting late so we decided to head home, we bid our farewell's and went to different directions to our houses

After I arrived at the inn I sat in the bed starring at the wall before I finally layed down to sleep

I woke up in a cold sweat I looked around the room I eventually calmed down and decided to get some fresh air, as I looked at the window I was... Shocked and upset... right on my window there stood...

To be continued...

Our Last Meeting /Xingqiu x Chongyun Angst FluffWhere stories live. Discover now