Chapter 9

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Chongyun's Pov:

I was following bennett and razor around Mondstatd since I didn't know where to go yet, but I sure wasn't ready to go back to Liyue yet that's for sure, but when we got in some people looked at Bennett with pure hatred visible on their faces, they tried to hide it but I gotta say they did it horribly.

While walking around we met a woman with brown hair and she was wearing a witch hat? "Ms, Lisa! Good morning!" I heard bennett say, wow he sure knows a lot of people "Ah, good morning bennett, you too razor" she says smiling before falling her gaze on me "And who is this little fella?" she says bending down towards me "his name is Chongyun! We met him outside the gate when we were going back" he replied "ah okay, do you know where he's from?" she asks "no, he said he didn't wanna talk about it yet" he said while rubbing the back of his head, she just smiled and nodded "oh look at the time, I promised Jean I would go with her somewhere" she says before saying goodbye and leaving.

I was still following them around when we bumped into someone, bennett apologized but the person just responded with a "tch, why can't you just leave!? You've already caused enough bad luck here! No one wants you here so why are you still staying!?" he yelled, I was in shock because I didn't think people would hate him.

I looked to my side to see Bennett holding razor trying his best to not let go of razor cause if he did he might try to attacking the guy
"Razor! Razor! Calm down! Don't worry I'm used to it!" he says, he's used to people saying such harsh words? Wow the audacity.

Bennett was still holding razor while the guy just kept shouting harsh words towards him. I've had enough of it so with no hesitation I slapped him hard in the face. He stumbled back from the sudden impact before looking at us, the bruise on his face was bright red he just looked me with disbelief and anger written in his face, he was about to get up when I punched him in the face. Bennett finally let go of razor before holding me back trying to stop me from hurting him any further, but that didn't stop razor from bitting him in the leg.

He screamed in pain as he watched razor bite him, other people started looking at our direction cause they heard screaming. Bennett finally let go of me and ran towards razor to restrain him again, the guy took that as a sign to run and he didn't waste time to flee, he accidentally bumped into someone on the way tho.

Third person pov:

he looked up to see Lisa and another person beside her "oh, pardon me, I didn't see where I was going" she said extending out a hand, the guy just blushed since he was looking at her cleavage, the person right next to her must've noticed since she said "sir, please don't look at her cleavage, it's disgusting and disrespectful" the guy looked away from embarrassment visible in his face, he just got up and ran away, they both looked at each other confused but just shrugged it off and went towards the others.

By the time they got there razor already calmed down and was let go so they were just watching what was happening from affair
Lisa and the person who was right next to her was walking towards them.

Chongyun's pov:

I saw Lisa and another woman walking towards us, the first thing I noticed was the woman had blonde hair and it was in a ponytail, both of them were talking about something and stopped when they were in front of us "was there something wrong? We saw a guy running away from your direction" the blonde woman asks I just looked at her confused since I didn't know who she was but just replied with "we almost killed him because he was saying harsh words towards bennett, but lucky for him bennett was nice and tried to hold us off" Lisa and the woman looked at each other before the blonde woman said "again?" and razor replied with "again" Lisa just sighed and went towards bennett and said "you can't keep letting people say those harsh words towards you okay? From now on promise me that you won't hold back from trying to fight anyone that says those kinds of words okay?" bennett just remained silent before replying "okay..." I turned back to the blonde woman since I felt a tap on my shoulder and she asked me "I've never seen you around here before, what's your name?" "Chongyun, what's yours? " I asked "pardon me, my names Jean, what brings you here to mondstatd?" oh, so her names Jean, interesting "I'd rather not want to talk about it at the moment" she just nodded and went towards Lisa to probably go talk about something...

Meanwhile in Liyue...

Xiangling Pov:

I was pacing around the back of the restaurant while Hu tao was sitting on the floor hand on her forehead, she's probably thinking about what she said the night before "look xiangling i-" "now is not the time Hu tao, we need to find Chongyun first and then you can apologize" I said clearly stressed about this situation, she just nodded and hung her head low I just sighed and kept wondering where he could be, but by the time I already calmed down It was already nighttime and that meant we had to head home, but I was still worried and whenever I'm worried I usually hunt for food.

I was just walking around looking for some exotic foods to see... A gate? I was curious on where it leads to, but as I was about go there I heard a rustle coming from behind me I just sighed and said "Hu tao" I heard a groan as she popped up from the bushes "Hu tao, why where you following me?" I asked "well you see, I was about to go back home but I saw you going outside of Liyue so I decided to follow you" she said while scratching the back of her head "okay whatever, let's head home now" I said while rubbing my forehead "wait what about the gate behind you?" "let's explore ir again tomorrow, it's getting late" I said before walking towards the opposite direction of the gate.

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