Chapter 5

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Chongyun's Pov:

I was laying on Xingqiu's lap as he's reading me stories. I gotta admit his lap's very comfy, I was starring at him as he read the book, honestly I didn't even hear what he was saying I was too busy admiring his face, I didn't even hear him saying my name
"hellooo earth to Chongyun" he said as he snapped his fingers in my face, I was still out of it when I said "you're beautiful..." when I said that, that's when I finally snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Xingqiu who's face is bright red I scrambled to leave his lap, my face also flushed red but it instantly turned into a slight grin when I noticed that Xingqiu was hiding his flushed face behind his book, I lowered the book that was covering his face just to see his whole face that was covered in a reddish color I slightly chuckled and just brought him up to my chest once again I was holding in my laughter since I can hear and feel Xingqiu rambling about I was and idiot again and I only replied with "so will you let me leave?" and he just looked at me upset and shocked at the same time and he just said "no! Stay here!" he tightened the hug before putting his head on my shoulders again "you're comfy..." I just let him stay there for a while and after a few minutes I told him he needed to let go he wouldn't budge so with no hesitation I just carried him. Bridal style. That must've made his face blush harder since he started hitting me once again, I told him I would drop him if he didn't stop. It worked since he stopped but now he just started rambling about how u shouldn't drop him.

After that he just hid his face using his hands since the book he had earlier was with me and he's been like that for the past hour I've been carrying him, I got tired and sat him down in the nearest chair.
I got tired of him hiding his face so I took both of his hands and started to separate them from his face his head was hung low so I put one of my hands under his chin to lift his face up to see him smiling I was stunned for a moment since now our faces were only inches apart.

I was surprised when Xingqiu took my minute of silence to jump on me making us both stumble on the ground. We were giggling for a bit but we eventually got up and went back to walking around Liyue for a while, I was just walking around when I felt pain from my head, it was hurting so bad to the point I had both hands on my head just for support, Xingqiu looked at me worried and asked what was wrong, I tried answering him but I was getting so dizzy and then after that  I blacked out...

I woke up to find Hu tao in front of me shaking me awake, I sat up and looked around for a while, i was back to our usual hang out spot. I asked her what she was doing here and she just replied with "I was looking around since I heard something from the bushes and I ended up here, what are you doing here anyways?" that's what got me curious aswel, I remember sleeping in the inn, Hu tao offered to walk with me to have company but I just shut her down and told her I can walk there by myself.

I was walking back to the inn after that encounter with Hu tao, I flopped back to bed and fell asleep...

Our Last Meeting /Xingqiu x Chongyun Angst FluffWhere stories live. Discover now