Chapter 7

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Chongyun's Pov:

I was helping Xingqiu around the library by helping him carrying books and by keeping him  company. We were just talking about random stuff and before we know it we were already done "and that's the last of them" said Xingqiu before grabbing a book "what are you gonna do with that?" I said pointing at the book "I'm gonna read it obviously, what else did you think books are for?" he said with a sarcastic tone, I just shrugged and sat right next to him. He just sighed before opening the book, he read some lines before saying "this is the wrong book, hold on a moment" I just nodded in response before he got up to get another book.

After a few minutes he came back with a different book in hand and sat down right next to me. I put my head on his shoulders as he read me the book.

It's been almost over an hour since he read me the book, I noticed that Xingqiu's voice was getting quieter every sentence he read so I looked up to see that his eyes has been droopy so I removed my head from his shoulder, he looked at me curious on why I removed my head, I looked at him directly in the eyes and asked "have you been sleeping properly?" I asked with concern visible in my face "ofcourse I have, what makes you think that?" he says with a tired voice "you can sleep on me if you want" and without hesitation he crawled on my lap, his head on my shoulders but before he could close his eyes we heard a loud bang on the door. We looked at the door to see Hu tao and xiangling looking at us with surprised faces.

All of us stared at each other not knowing what to do or say, that was until Hu tao shouted "Ha! I knew it! They make out in the library! Xiangling, you owe me 50 mora" she said while holding one of her hands out, xiangling just ighed from defeat and handed her 50 mora. Xingqiu and I looked at eachother confused on why they would bet on us so, Xingqiu asked them "why the hell were you guys betting on us anyways?" he says while scrubbing his eyes.

Hu tao was about to say something until xiangling covered her mouth with her hand "let me tell them" she says "no, you get very hyper whenever you talk about them, let me tell them" "fineeeee" Hu tao replied "okay anyways, the only reason we beted on you guys dating is because of how much you guys hang around with each other" we just looked at them confused "..." "are you serious?" said Hu tao "you guys didn't even know yall were dating!?" we just slowly shook our head to imitate the answer no "aiya..." Xingqiu slowly got up from my lap and sat down right next to me "but for real tho, are you guys sure yall aren't dating?" "yes!" Xingqiu and I both said in sync "woahh okay okay! No need to shout geez!" Hu tao said, I just nodded before looking at Xingqiu who's eyes are still droopy since, Hu tao and xiangling ruined our time together but that's besides the point, Xingqiu was tired and I needed to get him home "you can sleep now..." I said to Xingqiu and not even a second later he does off So I carried him bridal style.

I was walking towards xiangling and Hu tao "move" I said since they were blocking the door, they moved to the sides as I went out

"they're dating" was the last thing I heard before I was already walking towards Xingqiu's house, I knocked on their door to be greeted with Xingqiu's parents, they let me in his room to put him on his bed I was about to leave when I felt something tug on my arms "don't go..." Xingqiu said almost in a whisper, I just sighed and said fine before getting pulled in his bed, my face was basically heating at this point maybe even hotter than the spicy food Xingqiu keeps feeding me, I just stayed still before feeling soft breathing from my chest I looked down to see Xingqiu asleep grabbing my shirt, I'm pretty sure he can feel my heartbeat.

I managed to calm down after a few minutes before putting my hands on his waist and resting my head on top of his and falling asleep...

I woke up from a banging noise from my door I groaned and got up before opening the door to see xiangling, she said that she needed help with the restaurant since the other workers were taking a day off, I agreed since I had nothing else to do, I asked her if she had any other people helping us and she said xinyan and Hu tao, I just groaned since I didn't want to see Hu tao again but I couldn't back down now since we already arrived at our destination, but when we arrived there Hu tao looked like she was ready to throw insults "ice brain! you finally woke up" she said sarcastically, I just rolled my eyes and went in along with everyone else, we got in the uniforms and tried serving everyone as fast as we can while Hu tao and I were silently throwing insults at each other "yknow, these would've been perfect if your icy hands didn't touch them" she spat at me "oh really, if you're such a know it all person then why don't you do all the dishes yourself!" I whisper shouted at her, at this point we were holding back the urge to fight each other but that soon changed when Hu tao said "you know what! I've had it with you ice brain!" she said before jumping on me, it only took me a matter of seconds before I started pulling on her hair while she was choking me, xiangling dropped a plate by accident because of the scene we were causing so she asked xinyan for help, we were both separated  we were still trying to kick each other but it was no use, so we just started throwing insults instead "what's an exorcist if you can't even exorcist ghosts!" she shouted "what's a funeral director if you can't even sell coffins in the first place!" at this point she was trying to get xinyan off of her "that's enough! Both of you!" we heard xiangling say, we were far too mad to even hear what she was saying cause we were too busy saying insults that our voices started to get horse "you know! You're the reason why Xingqiu's dead!" she shouted before covering her hands, I just looked at her in disbelief I didn't think she would actually say that...

I was too busy thinking about what she said that I didn't even realise I was crying I only noticed because I felt xiangling let go of me and watch me fall to my knees, I tried remembering what he looked like, I tried remembering the memories we spent together but all I remember is a blurry face... No facial features, no facial expressions no nothing... But all I could remember was that he was my best friend...I only looked at Hu tao who was still covering her mouth before saying "c-Chongyun I-I'm so sorry I-i didn't mean to!-" "it's fine..." I said, she only looked at me with a surprised but also curious face "I-I am the reason he's gone..." I said before sobbing xinyan let go of her as they watched me have a breakdown "what good exorcist am I if I can't even save him... Hell I can't even remember what he looked like!" I shouted back, people were staring at us because of the amount of shouting we were causing, I only got up and ran from the restaurant, from everyone, and from her, I managed to run far enough to get to mondstatd, I eventually dropped to the gate and I was sobbing on the bridge, the guards and stand byers are looking at me weirdly since they haven't seen me before, I eventually closed my eyes and fell asleep...

Our Last Meeting /Xingqiu x Chongyun Angst FluffWhere stories live. Discover now