Run. Run. Run.

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Have you ever been bullied? I bet you have. Have you ever wanted to just run away from it all? I know I have. When I was in fifth and sixth grade, a bunch of my friends ditched me. All at once. As you can imagine I was sad, I was confused. Why? What did I do? I would ask myself. I never got an answer. Instead I turned to writing and this was the result:

In a flash they were gone.
All at once the last song was sung.
I look around and see shadows.
But if there are shadows then there must be light somewhere.
Somewhere out there.
Far off or nearby?
You never know.
Then one day it'll come.
Far off or nearby?
You'll never know.
But the light is there.
You'll find it sometime
Sometime soon or sometime far off
It's there
Waiting for you
Open your eyes

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