As is Life

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As is life, you go downhill and back up, sometimes in fast, irregular craziness. At times static and slow, but always progressing. Upwards or downwards your life is always progressing.

As is life, this progress never stays in one direction. It is crazy and impossible to predict. Despite what evidence you think you have, you have no proof it will forever go downhill.

As is life, this crazy road you're own will seem to get stuck in one direction, but this is only a ploy to make the pot of gold at the end even more magnificent. It is one thing to get a paycheck, but it is even more magical to get one after being unemployed for seven years.

As is life, sometimes it feels like you are trying to climb up a deep hole during a landslide, but you are still trying to climb back up. If you aren't trying to yet, you will, it's just going to be much harder, but you'll make it. Likely, someone will lower down a ladder and you will be just fine. This ladder can be small, like a smile, or huge, like a 3am text reminding you that you are not broken. The trick though, is that you have to climb the rungs, it won't just magnetize you to the top.

Rest easy now, there's many adventures ahead <3

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