Hey you!

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You reading this right now! I'm here to tell you that tough times don't last, tough people do. If in your mind you are saying you aren't tough, go look at the reflection in the mirror. What do you see? An ugly girl/boy who doesn't deserve to live? Look closer. Look at your eyes, even if they're a boring brown, look into them, not at them. Look at all the pain stored in them, see the happiness they sometimes show. Think about what made you happy. A book, a show, a friend, a hot actor/actress, a kind word. Did you see that ghost of a smile that crossed your face? Look back at the mirror. That happiness will come back eventually. If suicide ever crosses your mind. I'm here to tell you that though it is indeed a way to escape it all, you lose the future by ending the present. I know that sounds dumb, but it's true. You lose all the chances you could have had. You lose that one friend who will forever stick by your side, even if you haven't met them yet. You lose the love of your life who will ask you to marry them. You lose the happy little kid smiling up at you in the future. You lose the bullies and loneliness. But is losing everything forever really better than waiting it out and losing the pain eventually? All that terrible stuff, it ends. I promise this, I've experienced it and I've survived it. I hope someone reads this. Any and all of you. Even if you have a perfect life right now, those bad times will come and they will go. I promise. So you, you reading this right now. Go wipe away those tears, get back to that thing you were gonna do, but never did. You know that jerk. Delete their contact and block them. You don't need that negativity. When you see them in school, don't punch them, (well maybe punch them...), don't cry once they aren't looking. Look them in the eyes and don't say anything. They say go die, you say nothing. They shove you into the wall, you stand up. Every time they knock you down, literally or figuratively, stand back up. You just gotta keep standing back up. As soon as you stop getting back up, you lose little bits of that future. And one day if you tighten that noose, draw that knife, or shoot that gun. You lose everything forever instead of waiting it out and losing only the bad aspects forever. You'll still get that happily ever after. You just gotta keep standing back up.

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