That One Kid

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This is that one kid.

They don't say much, just sort of sit in class doing their work or reading. No one really knows their name, just that they draw a lot. That one kid never raises their hand, but their eyes glimmer. If anyone cared to look that is. That one kid doesn't say much, but they have a great personality. They're smart, and cute, and funny, but they're a bit on the shy side.
That one kid isn't as sad as you think, they're actually pretty happy, just not in school really.

But as always, you forgot to look at the other kids. There's that one kid who glares at everyone, and people don't really talk to them much. It's not cause they hate everyone, they just don't want to be there. There's that one kid who cried last night, but you'd never know it. They just sit quietly in the back of the room.

There's also the kid no one looks twice at. The class clown with a trademark smirk. The one who the teachers seem to hate, but actually enjoy having there since finally someone is bringing life into their classrooms. In some cases, they're just funny people who like to make people laugh. But sometimes, joking is their only protection. Their mom died last year of cancer, but you'd never know it. They seem happy, but they really aren't.

Everyone is "That One Kid" regardless of what follows "who". Everyone has a lot more to them than their label will tell you. I'm challenging you to sit down next to someone new and smile. Just smile. They'll smile back.

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