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soonyoung entered the school, feeling glances on his body as his two friends spot him by the gates. "yo soonyoung!"

the blonde chuckles under his breath at the sound of his loud best friend as he feel seokmin wrap his arm around the boy's neck.
his other friend, wonwoo, groans to himself. school is fine to soonyoung but judgement always strikes back to him as the trio walks into the school. the hallways always scared him. the chattering, the whispers, the stares and the gossips, he hated all that, he wanted all of it to disappear in the moment. he wanted to dig a hole and hide in it.

"hey, you alright there soon?" seokmin asked, the mentioned blonde nodding his head as wonwoo tsked at all the gossip. unlocking his phone and entering a reading app with a w letter and an orange background. the glasses boy clicking on his recent book he had left off at.

"people have always been like this, ignore them soonyoung." wonwoo spoke, his eyes never leaving the phone screen as the trio stopped at the blonde's dance locker located in the performing department. opening the locker, a letter fallen to the ground as soonyoung picked up the piece of paper, he sighed, stuffing the letter into his bag and continuing to take out the notebook he had left for the next class.
just another hate letter.

the bell shouted, the students scattering at the sound and entering their assigned rooms. soonyoung on the other hand, had a free period and was heading to the performing arts section of the school to meet someone in the recording studio. it was always the same producer who gave him differents sounds to create dances moves to the sounds he had given; like little assignments to work on to get his mind off of things.

• • •

the door clicked opened, making the producer snap his head to the direction of the wooden door. "oh, it's just you.
are you here for your weekly soundtrack?"
jihoon watched the boy who had entered the room nod. The producer smiling at the boy who stuffed his hands into his pockets, and soon faced him who was once focused on the laptop screen.

"jihoon, how about.. you make a soundtrack for our dancer here? think of it as a little assignment you know?" the producer spoke, softly smiling at the now shocked boy.
"you.. want me to make a soundtrack for him?" jihoon unsurely asked, his eyes shifting to the said dancer and the teacher.
"mhm, soonyoung, sorry but you have to wait for another week, are you okay with that?" bumzu asked, facing the boy who had dyed his hair a dirty blonde. "i am. well, i'll be heading to the practice rooms then, bye bumzu-hyung." the dancer showed a kind smile, opening the door again and the sound-proof door clicking close as the dancer exited the door.

silence engulfed the two, jihoon fidgeting with his fingers as the producer faced him, words leaving his mouth.
"i know you'll do great hoon. just make a one minute soundtrack with no vocals or anything, just upbeat music that a dancer would dance to okay? soonyoung likes upbeat songs, so it won't be too hard for you. you like making upbeat music."

the black hair sighs, nodding his head as he faces the blinding light from the laptop screen. jihoon himself didn't know he would fall asleep as his eyes shut itself down and slept.
"skipping classes again i guess," bumzu whispers to himself, sighing as he unlocks the device near him, typing a message to the class teacher of the black hair; the english teacher.


jihoon's with me, i don't think
he'll be attending today joon.

okay, i'll mark him absent
then, take care of him bum

yeah yeah, focus on teaching
rather than just giving them
random assignments daily.

some don't mind because all
of these cost marks you know..


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