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[ a/n ] there will be two songs in this chapter!


9-TEEN — seventeen || 3:18
i'll sing for you
even if this moment passes


jihoon stood nervously back-stage, but he had to act confident; this was a full-on stage performance in front of students coming back to school after summer break— he had to act not nervous for soonyoung, his friends and his teacher who watched from the row of teachers who were sitting at the front.

everyone in the group was wearing suits, some wearing ties— some not and some even unbuttoned the collar button prior to the stylist's preference. jihoon was feeling like a polite boy today but the stylist that was with them— johnny was his name— said no and unbuttoned the collar button for jihoon, seungcheol and jeonghan.

and no, jeonghan totally did not feel his face color with red after seeing seungcheol rock the unbuttoned shirt and a suit.

the rest were either wearing bow ties or business ties around their collars— some didn't upon request of the stylist that wanted a more flamboyant outfit to make the ladies scream even when he knew all of them, even himself were not straight like a ruler in maths class.

"johnny, are you done?" shouted the shorter male.
"nearly! just wait for a bit more ten." since a thai name was too long for them to pronounce, ten was the given nickname for johnny's boyfriend who stood at the door with a sleepy expression.

as expected from a true art student who had helped set up the stage early in the morning just like the other art students; kevin and taeyong who woke up at the ungodly hour to finish up the stage; all the art students were ready to see their beds and fall into the arms of sleep or their boyfriend's shoulders— either was fine.
johnny finally did the final touches to everyone's suits, "done." spoke the american as he wrapped his arm around the shorter that he called his.

"professor bumzu wanted to talk to y'all before the performance." ten mentioned and jihoon lead the way to find the music teacher.
soonyoung was following him as the rest of the group allowed their feet to follow the couple but chattered amongst themselves for entertainment.
yeah, chan had faked a gag once he saw his parents— i mean seungcheol and jeonghan kissing each other.

the teacher who called them— bumzu, stood with a gleaming smile on his face as jihoon, his top student greeted him with a bow.
soonyoung on the other hand spoke in a high voice and spoke, "yoo bumzu yo!"

seungcheol had to make sure to duct tape soonyoung's mouth before the performance before the man could talk nonsense even more.
the producer could only laugh and greeted them, "hello jihoon and soonyoung, and all of your friends." bumzu smiled, shaking hands with seungcheol who acted like the leader among all of them.

if you count the oldest as the leader.
"nice to meet you mister bumzu, soonyoung and jihoon have spoke about you a lot." seungcheol exposed and the two performing arts students immediately started to cycle the upcoming possibilities that formed around the topic, mostly bad possibilities.

"is that so? ah i'm glad, jihoon is one of the best students i've ever taught." bumzu spoke, a soft smile plastered on his face as he turned to the boy with his redid blonde hair before facing the dancer who stood behind jihoon.
"and you, hurt jihoon or else," the teacher spoke, his smiling was quite.. sinister towards the dancer who had raised a hand only for it to rest on jihoon's shoulder. bumzu had a protective nature towards jihoon who was like a son to him.
"i would never hurt him, promise!"

"well, the show should start now after emcee seungkwan introduces the school to the newbies right?" the teacher spoke again, gaining the attention of the remaining students who finally faced seungkwan with shocked faces.

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