What's next?

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A/N: What's next? YOU vote for what story you would like to see next from me! Note: Ideas are mine (with the exception of Frosted). If there is an 'idk yet' by one of the stories, tell me which ship you want to see in that story!




I will be deleting Benefits and putting back up, but under the PG-13 rating this time.

Choices Two?


(Most likely going to change the name)



In which the boys are the sons of Greek Gods.

Zayn - the son of Aphrodite (Goddess of Beauty)

Liam - the son of Ares (God of War)

Harry - the son of Artemis (Goddess of wilderness/wild)

Niall - the son of Apollo (God of the Sun)

Louis - the son of Hermes (Messenger/protector of: shepherds/travelers/merchants/thieves)


(idk yet)

In which Niall finds a parallel universe and doesn't want to leave.

Featuring: Kiss ass!Zayn, Punk!Niall, Nerd!Louis, Sporty!Harry, and Pothead!Liam.


(idk yet)

Niall's used to being alone. Even before the apocalypse he never had anyone to turn to. In a way, having no friends worked out for the boy.

He didn't have to watch someone get torn apart and eaten by zombs - well he did, but he didn't know them.

He's never had to shoot someone who was still living - there was that one time, but it was an accident.

All in all, he doesn't mind being alone.

Until he meets a group of boys that will change his mind.



In which Harry is a cheater and Niall is the victim.

(Based on the song Reverse by Somekindawonderful)



What would you do if you woke up in somebody elses body? Especially the body of the most popular boy in school?

Fate has a funny way of bringing people together.


(idk yet)

It was just like any other day. We were all in Zayn's basement, playing fifa like we always do.

The power was the first to go out. We groaned and threw a fit, until the ground beneath our feet started moving, then we all went silent. There was a loud crash from outside and the windows blew in.

Luckily, no one was seriously injured. We all looked at each other in confusion. There were many different explosions after that, lighting up the night sky.

We all shuffled slowly towards the window so that we could look outside. There were so many ships in the sky, you would never believe me unless you were there.

The aliens were attacking.




>Lust - noun. Intense sexual desire or appetite.

>Solipsism - noun. Extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desired, etc; egotistic self-absorption.


>Gluttony - noun. Excessive eating and drinking.

>Stupidity - noun. The state, quality, or fact of being stupid.


>Wrath - noun. Vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger.

>Lack of perspective - noun. The faculty of seeing all the relevant data in a meaningful relationship.


>Sloth - noun. Habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness.

>Self-deceit - noun. The act or fact of deceiving oneself.


>Pride - noun. A high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing conduct, etc.

>Pretentious - adjective. Characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or underserved.

In which the boys are based off of the seven deadly sins and the nine satanic sins.



Zayn stood in the doorway, staring at his murdered best friend who was laying pale-faced and limp, lying in a pool of his own blood.


Niall finds himself as a ghost - sort of. He is forever trapped in the apartment that he was murdered in. He needs to find a way to move on or get his life back, it either is still possible.

With the help of the new tenants, Niall finds himself deciding if he wants his old life back, but he'll have to give up talking to everyone he once knew because he can't be dead one minute and fine the next, or he can go completely to the other side and say goodbye forever.



Zayn is gone. He just up and left one night, leaving his younger brother Niall all alone.

Zayn has ice powers and he can't seem to control them despite years of practice. He runs for everyone's sake. No one is safe from him.

Niall wakes up and his older brother is missing. No note, no nothing. Niall has to find Zayn, he's all he's got.

Along the way Niall meets some characters that make finding Zayn a lot more fun.


(Frozen with a modern twist)

Choices (Narry) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now