trouble on the dancefloor

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"One year down, three more to go!"

As the sweet, cinnamon-flavored whisky burned on its way down my throat, my roommate's words floated around in my head.

I couldn't believe that I'd finally finished my first year of college.

I had spent the last ten years fighting every odd that seemed to be stacked against me and I knew I still had a long way to go.

"Skyler, I remember the first night we went out. Well, first it took like, a month, for us to finally get you out. Then you could barely down the wine cooler you babysat all night. But, now look at you. Ugh, I'm such a proud mama bear!"

Michaela Howard was the salt to my pepper.

The yin to my yang.

The macaroni to my cheese.

The red beans to my rice.

She walked through the door to our dorm room on moving day bright and bubbly and ever since then, I finally knew what it was like to have a sister-- to have a friend.

"So, what you're basically saying is that you're to blame if Sky becomes a raging alcoholic."

Michaela glared at her boyfriend, Jimmy Price, who threw his hands up in defense while leaning down to kiss her on the nose.

"Kidding, babe."

Michaela and Jimmy were high school sweethearts, who moved together two whole states away for college. I smiled as I let out a small sigh, trying to hide my jealousy.

It wasn't that I was into Jimmy or anything; I just wanted someone to look at me the same way that he looked at Michaela.

In all of my nineteen years, I had yet to be kissed; I was the personification of 'sheltered' and school had always been my focus.

After a short Uber ride, the three of us thanked our driver before getting out of his car. As we stood under the purple neon lights from the club, we could all hear the music thumping from inside.

Club NineteenSixteen was one of the most popular nightclubs in town, and they even had a 'College Night' a few times a month.

"So, I guess they are still gonna have 'College Night' during the summer. That'll be something for you to do."

I shrugged, giving an eye roll to Jimmy's suggestion. He and Michaela were going back home for the summer, while I was staying on campus and working at a local coffee house.

I might even keep the job when school starts in the fall since my scholarships were barely paying for me just to get by.

Once we got inside, Jimmy whispered something to Michaela, who pulled back with an excited smile on her face. She nodded as Jimmy kissed her forehead, before heading in a different direction.

Michaela looked back at the questioning look on my face as she linked her arm with mine, heading for the dancefloor.

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