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The next morning, after getting up, I threw on a pair of black spandex shorts and a black sports bra before grabbing my phone and headphones, ready for a late morning run.

I noticed that now that the semester was over, the campus was visibly less crowded, even just a day after classes ended.

Michaela and Jimmy began their drive back to New Mexico this morning, and after seeing them off, I found myself wanting to go for a jog.

I knew they would be gone the entire summer, and sure I would miss Michaela, but after being bounced around among different group homes as a kid, I was used to solitude so I didn't really mind being by myself.

As I ran past the campus amphitheater, I noticed a black SUV with dark-tinted windows parked in one of the now-scarce student lots.

I brushed off the weird feeling I had as I continued my run, but as I headed back to the dorms, every so often I'd notice the same SUV slowly trailing behind me.

After making it back into the dorms, I locked my door the moment I was in my room before rushing over and shutting my blinds.

After a quick shower, I decided to head back over to campus to grab lunch from one of the many restaurants open year-long.

Not seeing the SUV from before, I laughed and shook my head, slightly embarrassed by my own paranoia.

I had just returned to my room when my phone started ringing.

I didn't really talk on the phone and I wasn't one of those people that answered numbers I didn't recognize; I'd let it ring and if it was important enough, whoever it was would leave a message or text me like a normal person.

It rang a few times before my room was silent again, the only sound filling it was the low humming of the air conditioner.

A moment later it began ringing again.

Then again.

And again until there was finally a text message.

"Answer your phone, Bambina."


I scrunched my eyes in confusion at the message then, a second later, the phone was once again ringing in my hand.

It rang twice before I picked up... my heart beating a little harder than normal.


"Answer when I call you, Bambina. And... try not to look too sexy tonight, okay? No need to have to hurt someone."

I pulled the phone away from my ear, looking at the unfamiliar number once again, more confused than ever.

New York was all the way across the country. This had to be some kind of mistake.

"Uhh... I'm sorry, but I think you must have gotten the wrong number."

"I'm actually hurt, Sky. Can't believe you already forgot about our date."

I thought about it for a second, my eyebrows knitting together in disbelief.


"So you have been thinkin' about me."

His deep voice chuckled over the phone and those weird butterflies I'd been trying to forget about since last night were back as a thought crossed my mind.

"Wait-- how'd you get my number?"

"Bambina, I always get what I want. I'll see you at eight."


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