bang, bang.

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"Another fantastic meal, surrounded by family and it's all thanks to you

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"Another fantastic meal, surrounded by family and it's all thanks to you. Mia splendida moglie, sei perfetta."

(My gorgeous wife, you are perfect.)

As my dad leaned over to kiss my mom's hand, I used my dessert spoon to dive into another bite of my favorite dessert-- my mom's tiramisu.

Every Thursday night, my brothers, my parents, and I always had 'family dinner' together. As I looked around the table at everyone that evening after dinner, I noticed both Tommy and Marco looking at their phones.

Tommy had a huge smile on his face, but I couldn't help but notice the confused look on Marco's face as he stood from the table. He excused himself and after a minute or two, returned with a slightly panicked look on his face.

"Teo, come here for a second."

I knit my eyebrows together, a bit confused. I took another bite of the sweet chocolatey dessert as I nodded at Marco.

"What's up?"

After following him out of the dining room into the hallway, Marco turned back to look at me taking a deep breath before holding up his phone.

"It's Kaya. She said she needs to talk to you."

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion as I took the phone, keeping my eyes glued on Marco as I spoke.

"Ky? Hey, what's up?"

"Alright, now before I tell you what I have to say, I need you to promise me that you won't freak out and go absolutely mental."


She cut me off, whisper-yelling in a threatening tone.

"I'm serious, Teo. I mean I'm not even supposed to be telling you any of this; I could lose my job!"

"Alright, alright. I promise not to freak out. What is it?"

"Does Skyler work at that little bakery on 3rd? Ms. D's Cafe?"

I stiffened up a little, still keeping an eye on my brother, whose face showed concern.

"Yeah. So?"


I could tell by the weird tone in her voice and the way my brother was looking at me, that I probably wasn't going to like whatever Kaya needed to tell me.

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