only place in the world

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"I'm gonna take the last of the trash out, but can you just make sure the espresso machine is all set up for the morning for Ms. Duncan? She loves to start her day with a cup."

Bella, one of the new hires, nodded as I went to grab the last bag of garbage.

After school started back up a few weeks ago, the cafe began to get busier, so Ms. Duncan hired a few more people to help with some shifts. She promised that after I had them all trained to be able to open and close the shop, I wouldn't have to close anymore so I could focus on school.

Bella, the last trainee, seemed to be picking things up rather quickly, so I figured this would be one of my last closing shifts for a while.

As I walked out the back door that led to the alley where the dumpsters were, I felt a weird sense wash over me.

It felt like I wasn't alone, but after turning back to see no one there, I brushed it off, knowing how much this alley gave me the creeps.

After hurling the bag of garbage into the large bin, I turned back to head for the cafe, nearly pissing myself when I saw a masked figure standing in all black.

I froze with fear as the stranger slowly stepped closer, like he was taking deliberately small, terrifying steps.

His hands were behind his back and as he stood in front of me I could see his blue eyes glisten as he tilted his head from side to side.

I began backing up until I couldn't anymore, pressed up against the cold brick wall behind me with the stranger still slowly stalking towards me.


My words never came out. A second later, with a pair of gloved hands around my neck, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head, then a slow, numbing rattle as I fell, my eyes slowly shutting as the masked figure stared down at me.





As I slowly blinked my eyes open, I shielded them from the harshly bright, lit room. My eyes adjusted to my surroundings and the second I realized I was laying in a hospital bed, I began to freak out.

I shot up quickly, instantly regretting it as I felt a terrible pain over my entire back.


"There, there, calm down. You're all right."

An olive-skinned woman, who was walking into the room, rushed over, helping me settle back into bed. I looked around before looking back into her concerned eyes.

"What happened?"

She stepped back and sighed before looking back up at me, her 'doctor face' on.

"You suffered a mild concussion. Your coworker found you in the alley. Do you remember what happened?"

My head and entire body were killing me as she took out a small flashlight and examined my eyes.

"Yeah, I got hit by a wall."

She laughed a little before tucking away her flashlight and heading for the foot of the bed to grab a clipboard.

"Something like that. Can you tell me your name, hon?"

"Skyler Wilson."

She looked up at me from the clipboard, her eyes flickering a bit.

"And you're how old?"


"And you're a student...?"

I nodded a little, closing my eyes as I felt a head rush.

"Uhh, yeah, at Sunny Coast University. I'm in my second year."

She nodded in satisfaction as she put the clipboard back down.

"So, like I said before, it's just a small concussion, but I'd like to keep you overnight for observation. Is there anyone we can call for you?"

I shook my head, looking down at my fingers on my lap as I fiddled with them.

"Uhh, no. But I'll be fine."

I didn't need to look up to hear the sympathy in her voice as she spoke.

"Alright, sweetheart. Now, the police are here for your statement."

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion as I shook my head.

"My statement?"

Suddenly what happened in the alley came rushing back to me

"There was a guy in black..."

There was a weird look on her face before she spoke again.

"Apparently, there's been a string of women attacked around here in the last few weeks. They think there might be some kind of campus predator."

My heart felt like it collapsed when the doctor said the word 'predator'. Suddenly, it felt like I couldn't breathe.

What happened after he knocked me out?

"Wait, he didn't? I mean-- I wasn't...?"

The doctor, whose name tag read "Dr. Kaya D.", rushed over, soothingly rubbing my shoulder.

"No, no, no. Sweetheart, you're fine. Something must've spooked him. You were fully clothed and I did a pelvic exam-- hymen is still intact."

I let out a deep sigh of relief, throwing my head back against the pillow, and as Dr. Kaya left me to wait for the police, all I could think about was being wrapped safely in the only place in the world I've ever truly felt safe.

Teo's arms.



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