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I don't know why I was so anxious to meet Matteo's family. Maybe it was because of my hasty exit on the Fourth that had me nervous to finally meet these people, but here I was.

"There they go... Tommy!"

Teo's voice pulled me from my thoughts as he gently pulled me through the crowd on the dance floor.

We were at Club NineteenSixteen, celebrating one of the fighters from the DeLuca's boxing team winning a heavyweight championship the night before.

We approached the VIP booth and I immediately felt a rumble of moths in my stomach as Teo looked back at me before turning back to the three guys in the booth.

"Tommy, Marco, Dre- I want you guys to meet somebody..."

Teo guided me to stand in front of him, where I was met by three sets of eyes all focused on me.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Sky. Baby? These are my brothers: Marco, Tommy, and Dre."

The three guys all greeted me and as they made room for us in the booth, I took a seat and Teo did the same, pulling me closer as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

His brothers all looked at each other, and Tommy, who had a surprised grin on his face, was the first to speak.

"Gotta say, little bro... never thought I'd actually see you like this."

Teo's eyebrows knit together as he looked across the table to Tommy. He unwrapped his arm from my waist and sat up to make our drinks.

"See me like what?"

Tommy nodded at me then looked at Teo, a slow smirk starting to play on his chiseled features.

"I don't know. Can't explain it, but it's like..."

As Tommy continued, Teo turned back to hand me my vodka and cranberry juice, winking at me when our fingers touched.

"That... that right there!"

Teo sat back, wrapping his arm around my waist once again as Dre spoke up his time.

"I guess it's just weird seeing you this serious about a girl that's not Maddie."

I felt a sense of jealousy rush over me but quickly tried to hide it as I sat forward, unwrapping myself from Teo's grasp.

"Who's Maddie?"

I heard a whine coming from Teo and I turned back to see him pout and roll his eyes, just before I focused back on his brother's who were all holding back huge smiles.

"His imaginary friend from when we were little. She hung around so much, we used to joke she was his girlfriend."

Tommy's head cocked back and he let out a huge laugh; I had a small smile on my face as I looked back at a still-pouting Teo.

"You guys are fucking jerks."

After setting my drink down, I turned my body to face him, putting my hand on either side of his face.

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