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My hands were shaking as I attempted to put on my tie, but I was determined to get it on.

I needed everything to be perfect tonight. After holding Sky last night, I knew I could never let her go, and tonight I was going to show her that I was still the guy she fell in love with.

"Il mio bel ragazzo."

(My handsome boy.)

I turned to see my mom standing in the doorway, a proud smile plastered on her face.

"You look beautiful, Ma."

She did a little twirl, showing off the red designer gown she picked for the evening before she walked over and kissed both of my cheeks.

I turned back to the mirror, going to fix my tie, but she brushed my hands away, tying the gold piece properly around my collar.

"The cars should be arriving shortly. Is Skyler ready?"

"Yeah, she should be just about done. Can you-- can you go check on her?"

After finishing my tie, my mom smoothed out my shirt and took a step back, worry filling her eyes when she looked at me.

"Things still strained between the two of you?"

I bit my lip and bashfully let out a small, hopeful smile as I scratched the back of my head.

"I don't know... I mean-- she did come in here last night and let me hold her."

A more confident smile made its way onto my mom's face a second later and she gently patted my shoulders in encouragement.

"All of this can be a lot on anyone, Teo. I told you... you just needed to give her some time."

She gave me one more once-over, her eyes glistening with tears before she inhaled sharply, stopping herself from having a moment.

"Alright, then. I'll have her meet you in the foyer. And hurry, my son."

She rushed out of the room, leaving me once again on my own.

When I sat down on my bed, I felt a bit of confidence surge through me. Grabbing the box next to me, I opened it to reveal my shoes for the evening.

As I finished tying the first Italian loafer, I looked up, scrunching my eyebrows together as my mom re-entered my room, her eyes wide, almost looking distressed.

I put the second shoe on, beginning to tie it as I spoke.

"Something the matter?"

"She's gone."

I looked up from my shoe, glaring over, not understanding what my mom meant.


"Skyler-- she's not in her room."

I was on my feet less than half a second later, racing through our joint closet until I was in Sky's room.

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