beautiful stranger

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"I'm gonna be your problem if I ever see your hands on her again."

"We were just dancing, man, c'mon!"

I could tell that the guy I was dancing with was trying his best to act intimidating, but there was something about the other guy-- the one with the crazy luminescent eyes dressed in all black.

There was no making this guy back down. From the way his eyes scorched through me with just one glance, there was something about this guy that made my heart go 'BOOM'.

"Then I suggest you fuck off and find someone else to dance with. You and her are done."

The way his deep voice dripped of absolute domination made my breathing get shotty, every breath feeling like a desperate gasp with each word he spoke.

"What the fuck's your prob--"

My dancing partner was suddenly speechless; his words had literally been knocked out of him when the guy in all black suddenly headbutted him, sending him straight onto his ass as he clutched his surely broken nose.

The guy in all black crouched down, saying something to the guy I was dancing with before they both looked over at me. A second later, the guy I was dancing with pulled himself off the ground, and scurried off the dancefloor, not bothering to give me another glance.

My attention was now back on the guy in all black, who was beginning to approach me.

My chest was heaving rapidly with each breath I took, watching as the stranger walked over with a type of confidence that would intimidate anyone.

His eyes were trained on me and soon he was in front of me, hovering over me with an intense gaze in his mystical orbs.

We were locked in a staredown, neither of us being able to look away until we heard shouting over the music.

A few security guards were barreling through the crowd and as he turned back to face me, the stranger muttered under his breath.


The next thing I knew his lips were on mine.

You know those kisses people talk about? The ones that alter your whole life? The ones that make you realize why it never felt this real with someone else.

I'd always imagined what my first kiss would be like, but this-- this was something different.

It was everything.

His fingers tangled through my hair, pulling me in as he deepened the kiss, while my hands gripped at his shirt.

His tongue kept jabbing out and I wasn't sure what to do, but after a while, I copied what he was doing, and... holy shit balls it felt amazing!

I felt people rush past me, but I was too focused on how this guy was sucking on my tongue and the tingly feeling happening between my legs.

The kiss ended a moment too soon when I heard Michaela's voice ringing in my ear.

My body shivered when I pulled away, a tinge rushing all over my body as I found myself under the stranger's gaze once again.

His hands were cradling my face and the way he was looking at me made me want to melt into his arms.


I looked over at Michaela, whose dumbfounded look matched Jimmy's; the two kept their watch on me as I turned back to the stranger, whose arms I was still in.

Just as I was going to say something, another guy, dressed in all black suddenly appeared next to us.

"Yo, Matt! We gotta go, man." 

The stranger, who I figured was Matt, turned and looked at the new nameless addition, and as I watched him, I could see Matt's chiseled jaw flex before he groaned.


"Yup. Pops 991'd us."

Matt rolled his eyes, groaning again and as his hands slid down my body, he squeezed my waist.

"I wanna see you tomorrow. Be ready at eight."

It wasn't a request; he was telling me what was going to happen and as he left another lingering kiss on my lips before leaving, it finally dawned on me that he hadn't even gotten my number.

I'd never see that beautiful stranger again.


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