as she sleeps...

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Sky's nose twitches in her sleep right before she sighs, then right after, she kinda whimpers

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Sky's nose twitches in her sleep right before she sighs, then right after, she kinda whimpers. 

It happens like clockwork and it's absolutely fucking adorable.

I've been watching her sleeping for the past almost hour, and not to sound like a creep, but I'd be fine with doing this for the rest of my life.

After we got home from the hospital, I ordered a couple of breakfast burritos, and Sky and I watched a few of her favorite movies that day, including Remember the Daze, The Virgin Suicides, and Light It Up. Sky's style was all over the place but it was just another one of the reasons why I loved her.

She always kept me guessing...

Wait-- I love her?

My stomach flipped when she cuddled closer to my side of the bed, her bonnet slipping a little when she moved.

After placing a kiss on her cheek and adjusting her bonnet as best as I could, I slipped out of bed and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, stepping into our master bathroom before closing the door behind me.

After placing a kiss on her cheek and adjusting her bonnet as best as I could, I slipped out of bed and grabbed my phone off the nightstand, stepping into our master bathroom before closing the door behind me

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After selecting a contact, the phone rang twice before the call was answered.

"... hey, kid."

There was hesitation in Rocco's voice and I already knew what he was going to say before I even asked.


"Nah, man. It's weird. In one video, you can clearly see somebody in black running down the street that's right off the alley, but then he cuts the corner onto Shephard, and it's like he just disappears. There's no footage of him."

I shook my head in confusion.

"That's impossible, right? He couldn't have just disappeared."

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