little pouch

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You guys remember when I told Rocco that Sky would look at me like I'm a monster when I finally told her?

Yeah, her finding out by being a witness to my eighth murder-- the look on her face-- was way worse than anything I could've imagined.

I called out to her over and over but she just ran away. I didn't blame her; how could I after what she had just seen?

I was running towards the door that should've been closed and was just about to yank it back open and run after Sky when someone called out to me.

"Teo, man, wait! You can't go anywhere looking like that."

I let out an annoyed snarl, knowing Dre was right and as I walked over to the industrial sink, I ripped off the blood-covered tank top I was wearing.

"Sammy, Jinx-- clean that shit up. Dre-- come here."

As if he was reading my mind, Dre was following me over to the sink, peeling off his sweatshirt.

"Got you, bro."

I rinsed off the blood as best as I could and for the first time, I felt remorse.

And I knew it only because of her.

"Yo, man... what the fuck just happened?"

After turning the faucet off, I shook my head, my heart racing and my nerves on edge.

"Fuck!!! Dre-- she wasn't supposed to find out like that, man...

My voice trailed and my body shook, knowing I was never going to see her smile at me again.

"I was gonna tell her!"

I shouted it out, not really to Dre, but to the damned spirits that jinxed me.

But no matter how much I tried to blame the fates and stars aligning for the perfect storm, I knew it was my fault.

I fucked up.


I threw Dre's sweatshirt on, not even caring that it was a little too snug-- I had to get home to my girl.

"You know this isn't gonna be pretty, right? This shit could go left with her, real quick."

I noticed the threatening tone in Dre's voice and it was now the second time I've ever actually thought about hurting him.

"She's not gonna say shit. End of story."

My eyes cut over at him and just by the look on my face, I knew he knew I was serious. My expression weakened a second later, thinking about what I'd be going home to.

"But, I can't just let her leave me..."

There was a threat out there.


And he wanted nothing more than to hurt me for what happened between us in the past.

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