Chapter 2

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AFTER leaving the hotel suite as he planned to go around the town square to get to know the locals, Aaron Covaci was smiling as he was walking around the square. The women were ogling him as he knew that he was the epitome of beauty standard for this century, considering that he had lived for 250 years like his cousin.

He was looking at the fountain that stood at the center of the square with the image of a woman pouring the water from her pitcher into the pond surrounding her. Aaron smirked before his green eyes were looking at the local coffee shop as his nose picked up the scent of roasted beans.

"At last," he mumbled before he was smiling as he went to get inside the café. The décor was nice as it was a family-owned café with the locals who came and went and it seemed that they were close with the owners, an old couple around the sixties.

Aaron walked to the counter as he was smiling at the wife that could be considered as his grandma with her soft smile but sharp, intelligent eyes.

"What can I get for you, figlio?" she asked in Italian Aaron as he was scanning the menu. It was nothing like the coffee that Aaron usually had but he smiled and asked in the same tongue for a safe choice; all black coffee. The old woman was arching her eyebrows at him but asked her husband to make it for him.

Aaron paid for the coffee as he gave his name to the old lady and went to wait for his coffee. After a few minutes, his order was done and Aaron thanked the woman again before he went to take a seat at the table that overlooked the streets as he was watching the children and their parents walking into the night to get to their destinations, leaving him alone as he had been the constant observer of humanity for the last 250 years.

He took a sip and his inside instantly warmed by the coffee before he was smiling. I think I will be back here for another coffee next week, Aaron thought before he was looking at the streets again, not knowing that something lurked in the shadows, waiting for him to make a mistake that will eventually lead him to his doom.


She was landing some punches to the punching bag as the sweats were dripping from her forehead. She was breathing hard before she twisted her body around and lifted her leg to kick the bag as she was landing a few feet away from it.

She smirked before wiping the sweats on her forehead when the phone was beeping. She breathed out before going to the bench as all her stuff was there. She took out the phone as the screen shone against her face. She read the email that came in before arching her blonde eyebrows.

"I never thought that the new His Holiness will be around sooner than later," she mumbled before she was locking the screen and removed the clothes that wrapped around her fingers. They stung after the training that she did every day but her hands were beyond repair as the callouses were all over her once smooth hands.

Not that she was complaining but her cousin, Freya, would freak out if she found out. She sighed before she put the clothes into her gym bag as she was making her way to the shower room. She took a towel and had a quick shower to remove the sweat and grime as she was told that she needed it in the headquarters. She knew that she needed to be there soon for the ascension of the new His Holiness, the leader of the Order that she worked for.

The Order of Holy.

The water was streaming against her face as she breathed out. She washed her hair and face with shampoo and soap before she closed the faucet and dried herself. She liked to work steadily and efficiently, not wanting to spend more time on unnecessary things. Her cousin would scowl at her for not taking care of herself in a much feminine way.

Not that Astrid Larsen would need to think about that since she did not have time for dating when she's busy protecting mankind from the threat that lurked in the shadows, which was also known as Vampire.

Kraving Kovacs (Vexing Vamp #1)Where stories live. Discover now