Chapter 11

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SOMEONE knocked on the door as Gabriel was chatting with Bianca, telling her about her hometown before he got up and went to the door. His date was still sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket as her body was still burning up the last time Gabriel checked and he had instructed her to take more fluids into her body.

Mainly, it was water.

"Hold on, let me go see who was it. I think it's our dinner for tonight," he said as Bianca was smiling at him. Gabriel smiled back as he went to open the door, looking at the person who was not older than 18 years old.

"Delivery," the young man said as he was holding some of the food that Gabriel ordered for both of them. He smiled at the young man, took out some euros, and handed them to the young man.

The delivery boy looked at the money in his hand before he looked at Gabriel's face. "But, sir, I don't have any change for this and this is way too much for the sum that you need to pay," the boy said as Gabriel winked at him.

"Keep the change, will you?" he said as the delivery boy was smiling, nodding at him before he was walking away from Bianca's house. Gabriel smiled before he closed the door, carrying the takeout to the coffee table as Bianca was looking at the plastic that he brought in.

"Are you sure that's what you ordered? That seems a lot and I don't think we can manage to eat them all tonight," Bianca said as she opened one of the plastics. The food inside was Chinese.

Then, she opened the other one and that one was Mexican food. Later, she opened the last plastic that Gabriel brought and she sighed with relief. Gabriel arched his eyebrow at her as Bianca turned to look at him.

"It's my favorite. You can never go wrong with food close to home," she said as Gabriel smiled. Then, Bianca took out the Italian food that they ordered and opened the container. The smell of beef ragu and the pasta was intoxicating and Bianca was hungry like she hadn't eaten in a while.

Perhaps it is because I have been dreaming again. And my body was burning up because of it. I really should see a doctor in the morning but I don't have any spare money to do so, she thought as Bianca was biting her lower lip, looking at the food.

Suddenly, she did not know if the food would be wasted or not for she could not possibly eat all of this by herself. Someone shuffled the plastics around, looking for the food that he wanted as Bianca was looking at her date. Gabriel was taking out some tacos that were contained in one of the boxes before he turned to look at her. He arched his eyebrows.

"Yes? Don't you want to eat pasta? Or would you rather have this instead, love?" Gabriel asked as Bianca felt like her face was heating up. He chuckled before he handed Bianca one of the tacos. She took it as she was taking a nibble of the Mexican food. Then, the spices and flavor hit her like a truck.

As well as the hot sauce.

Gabriel was looking at Bianca as her eyes were brimming with tears as well as her face was turning redder than usual when she blushed. He moved closer as he was putting the back of his hand against her forehead. It was burning up.

"Blestem! I am so sorry, love. I don't think you should be eating something spicy when you're burning up as well. Here," he said as he was handing her a glass of water which Bianca took and drowned in seconds.

Then, she gasped as if she was just escaping the cause of her death. Gabriel sighed with relief before Bianca looked at him.

"I am so sorry, love. I am being careless now with you. I don't think I ever make any mistake but here I am, making it by putting your life in danger. I'm sorry, cara mia," Gabriel said as he was caressing her cheeks as she sucked her breaths.

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