Chapter 24

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GABRIEL was still dreaming about last night and how their muscles were not moving a muscle at all after hours and hours of making love with his mate. He cannot believe that Bianca was able to accommodate him even though she did not remember anything.

But if the sex was any indication, she was remembering everything that Gabriel loved to do with her between the sheets. He smiled as he moved, tossing and turning on the ground before Gabriel felt that he was not on the ground but rather on a comfy bed.

He didn't remember how he got there but he was surprised to see that they were in a room. Gabriel thought that they were in a village.

Then, someone was unlocking the door. "That was very helpful. Thank you so much," Bianca said as she was coming from the door to enter the room. She closed it, smiling before Gabriel was sitting up on the bed. She looked amused.

"Well, looks who finally decided to wake up," she said with humor in her voice. She was carrying a basket and before Gabriel can see it, he smelled food.

He licked his lips as Bianca set the tray that she carried on the bed. "I hope you're hungry. I don't know what you like but I have bread, ham, cheese, wine, and I also got veggies and fruits to balance it out—" she did not finish the rest of her sentence as Gabriel kissed her squarely on the mouth. His mate moaned before she snaked her arms around him and he was pulling her closer to his body before pulling her onto the bed.

They broke the kiss as Bianca was staring at Gabriel's face. "We just got here and now you're thinking of having sex again," she said as she was smiling at him. Gabriel smirked at her before he was kissing her stomach through the clothes.

He shrugged. "What can I say? I have a huge appetite for my wife," he replied before she laughed and she kissed him again. Gabriel kissed her fervently before she was getting away from him. He missed her warmth on the bed already. Then, Gabriel was looking around the room.

"Where are we?" he asked her as Bianca was taking out the food from the tray and laying them on the bed. She took a piece of the bread before she nibbled on the cheese as well.

Bianca shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know either but I think Pestera Village or something," she replied before Gabriel nibbled on the cheese, ham, and the bread. It was delicious.

He nodded. "I see," he replied as Gabriel was trying to calculate how long before they arrived at his family castle. Gabriel didn't know when the train will be leaving, considering they don't have money and passports to get out of the Red Lake region. We will be stuck here for all I know, Gabriel thought as he was tapping his chin whilst eating.

Bianca looked at him as she stopped eating. "What are you thinking about, my love?" she broke his train of thought as Gabriel was looking into her whiskey orbs. He blinked his eyes.


Her mate was pointing her face, circling it with her forefinger. "Your face, you're thinking about something and I think you are making some plans," she said as Gabriel smiled.

She knows how to make me confess my mind to her, Gabriel mused, chuckling before he was sipping the wine. Even Blue Blood needs to eat, you know. Since they were not exactly Vampires, Blue Blood still can stomach human food but not too much. They still needed fresh blood and the last time Gabriel consumed blood was 2 days ago. Or was it 3 days now?

Bianca was touching his hand. "I wish you would confront me, Gabe," Bianca said as she was linking her hand with his. Gabriel smiled before he took her hand and kissed her knuckle.

Gabriel sighed as he smiled at her. "You are the most understanding person in my life. No one ever gives me shit before," he said before Bianca laughed. Her eyes were wrinkling at the end, knowing that she was genuinely happy with him. Gabriel smiled at her.

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