Chapter 14

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AARON was looking at the wounds that were on his wrists before they sealed up, leaving the trails of bluish-red blood flow to the ground. He turned to look at the direction that Astrid has taken as she went away from him. She was the Huntress, the highest order that a human hunter can be in the Order of Holy. And she was his mate, his long searching mate that Aaron has been dreaming of all his life. He sighed.

That is just the way it is, falling with the wrong sort of a woman to be my mate, he mused, smiling as Aaron was shaking his head. Then, he saw the smokes that were coming from the other end of the island. He walked back to the coffee shop as Aaron can feel the dawn was coming, the sun was almost rising. He needed to get back to their suite soon and perhaps forgot this incident with his mate trying to kill him.

Aaron took the familiar streets that he had taken during their first week of vacation as he was looking around the town square. It was a lot quieter than it usually would and as Aaron was coming closer to the hotel that he was staying with Gabriel, he knew why.

Everyone was looking at the source of smoke that was filling the twilight skies as he was looking at his cousin who was distraught right now. Gabriel was biting his fingernail as Aaron approached him. Gabriel did not even look up to see who was approaching him. Aaron put his finger on his cousin's shoulder before Gabriel turned to look at him. Then, his cousin stood up as Aaron stood in front of him.

"You're here! Thank goodness! I think it's time for us to get out of here," he said as Aaron was arching his eyebrow at him.

"And why we have to do that, coz? It's not like we are the ones that fire up the buildings," he said as Gabriel turned to look at him. Then, he spread his arms wide.

"Exactly! And if the Order of Holy would be here and investigate, they would find us in this place at the time of the fire was happening. I don't know about you but I want to keep them in the dark as much as I could. And we have promised your mother that we will not be exposing ourselves unnecessarily," Gabriel said as Aaron sighed, rubbing his face.

"Yes, well. You're right and if one thing scares me more than the Order, it would be my own mother. I don't know what that Vampire eats but I can say that she is the craziest bat shit I ever had in my entire life," Aaron said before Gabriel was smacking the back of his head. "Ow," he exclaimed, rubbing the spot as he turned to look at his cousin. "What was that for?"

Gave narrowed his eyes at him and crossed his arms. Aaron knew that his cousin loved his mother for it has been his mother that raised them both when Gabriel's parents died of a tragic death.

No thanks to the human hunter that killed them. And Aaron just found out who they were.

"Don't you dare talk about Aunt Carla like that! She'd raised us and it is time for us to be paying back her kindness," Gabriel said as Aaron was scowling at him, rolling his eyes. Sometimes you are intense, Gabriel. I don't know how your mate can handle you later, he thought as Aaron was looking around the crowd that was gathering in the hotel lobby. He arched his eyebrow at Gabriel.

"So, how is it that we're going to get out of here without people seeing us or asking any question that would lead to us in a later date, coz?" he asked as Gabriel was smiling at him. He knew that Gabriel was sometimes the mastermind of everything devilish but the smile that he just gave him right now was sending the chills down Aaron's spine.

"Oh, the usual. I mean, it's your gift after all, coz. And it is time for us to put it to good use," he said before Aaron was sighing. He knew that Gabriel would be using his gift to make people forget about them ever stepping onto this island. But with this size of the crowd, Aaron did not know if he could do it. He tapped his chin with his finger.

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