Chapter 10

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"SO, this is the idea of fun for you, huh?" Astrid asked as she was licking her gelato with the minty flavor. She was still holding hands with Aaron as they were walking around in the town square. Aaron turned to look at her as she was still licking the gelato. It should not be something that she wanted to do, but she did it anyway.

Aaron smirked before he replied, "Well, that's the idea. Don't you like it though? I can see it from your eyes that you do," he said before Astrid was rolling her eyes at him. But the smile was plastered to her mouth. Maybe she was having too much fun with this Vampire that she forgot to tell herself that she was supposed to kill him later.

This was all a play for him.

But deep down, she knew that her perspective on him had changed after one week of spending with him. Astrid did not know if that was a good thing for all that she believed in when she joined the Order for the first time, she was told that Vampire or Blue Blood was bad.

But Aaron Covaci was not that bad.

"Come on. It's better because I am with you," Aaron said as he was dragging Astrid across the town square before they were at the vista point of the island. Astrid was looking at the twinkling lights before she turned to look at her date. His hand was warm against her lower back as she was trying to decipher the look that was on his face.

"Aaron?" she asked before the vampire that she was tasked to kill, the Pureblood that she would have to incarcerate his heart later, was looking at her face lovingly with his emerald orbs. And Astrid's heart beat faster in her chest.

"I never thought that I would find someone like you, Astrid Larsen. And I will do anything in my power to make sure that you will be mine...forever," he said and that's the only warning that Astrid got from him before he leaned into her personal space as his hand was tugging her chin up so that she would lean back. Then, his lips touched hers.

It was, by far, the best kiss that she ever had in her life. Sure, Astrid would kiss others before but this man, this Vampire that was supposed to be her enemy, was the best kisser in her entire 24 years. She did not know what to do except drop her gelato and cling her hands around his neck as she pulled him closer for his body warmth.

It was the warmest body she ever held in her arms.

While a Vampire or Blue Blood was supposed to be cold-blooded, Aaron Covaci was the exception to that rule. Astrid always believed that a Vampire was cold, she knew it was not true for most of the Pureblood.

Why? She never thought that far but for now, she will only enjoy this one last kiss before she has to kill him.

She moved her mouth as she was trying to make sure that Aaron was kissing her properly. And Aaron got the hint. He moved his mouth against her as his tongue was licking the seam of her mouth. Astrid moaned as she was clinging to him before she gave entrance to her mouth and he took it.

It was magnificent when this man was exploring her mouth.

She can taste the minty flavor of the gelato that she ate as well as the ocean taste on his tongue. Perhaps that was the personal scent of Aaron Covaci in her mind.

He tasted of sea breeze and ocean. It was that refreshing before Astrid was sucking on his tongue before he grunted. Then Aaron broke the kiss and Astrid was following his mouth to kiss him again.

"Behave, Miss Larsen. We don't want to give the public a free show now, do we?" he said as Aaron was kissing her jaws before he was whispering in her ear. She was breathing hard as her head was lightweight.

Then, she leaned back as she stared into the emerald orbs that were starting to get darker by the second. She smiled before she pulled Aaron's head closer as she touched his nose with hers.

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