Chapter 25

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BIANCA broke their kiss as Gabriel was trying to get into her pants. But of course, he waited patiently as his mate was breathing hard, searching his face. She held her hand up.

"Wait. Just answer me this one question," she said, pushing Gabriel to break the kiss. She was looking at his brilliant blue eyes before he was smirking at her.

Her mate smirked. "Fire away,"

Bianca furrowed her eyebrows because she did not know if they really got married or not, considering that Gabriel just put his ring on her hand. Does that mean they were never married? She thought as she was looking at her supposed husband if not fiancé.

"Did we get married or did you just try to get into my pants?" she asked him before Gabriel laughed at her question. Bianca rolled her eyes at him before she was glaring at him.

He smirked even more. "What do you think?" he asked when he was moving to shove his cock on her aching place. Bianca shivered as she was gripping his shoulders.

"Oh!" she said, grinding herself on his thighs to feel his eagerness even more. She bit her lower lips as Gabriel was smirking, his eyes were turning to pure obsidian as Bianca knew that his Darker Side wanted her. And she wanted him as well as Bianca can feel the colors faded from her vision, turning them to black, white, and grey.

"Oh, indeed. Now, where are we?" Gabriel asked her before she was pulling him by the nape and kissed him senselessly. Bianca was roaming his body and in record time, they both were naked.

Gabriel was kissing his jaws and neck as she was writhing under him. He was strong and when Bianca felt his cock aligned against her wet core, she spread her legs even more. He panted.

"Even we're not technically married by law, my love, you know in my heart, it belongs you. It has always been you in my heart from the first moment I saw you at that supermarket," Gabriel said as he was thrusting into her core. They both moaned as she was smiling at him.

"You mean love at first sight situation then?" Bianca asked him as her memory served her better now. As she was getting used to his girth, Gabriel was moving in and out of her core slowly, deliciously, as they were seeking their pleasure together

He nodded. "Yes, that's the sign that I am in love with you," he continued to thrust as Bianca was gripping his shoulders, clawing her way on his back, marking Gabriel as hers.

Then, they both climaxed as Bianca's walls clenched and her fiancé was jerking on top of her. They kissed each other as if there was no tomorrow for Bianca knew that they will be getting married for sure this time, whether Gabriel liked it or not.

After she knew that they were not married yet by the law, Bianca urged Gabriel to fill out the marriage registration as soon as possible. She knew where they were, in a village called Pestera, Romania but her fiancé said that they're bound by Romanian laws, and considering that Bianca was an Italian woman, it would take some time for the registration to be available for them.

But that didn't mean that Gabriel and Bianca would forgo the traditional wedding in the eyes of humans, a church wedding.

Aaron did not turn up from the explosion of the facility and the police have been sniffing around the pine Forest of Red Lake and the village that they were renting the room.

They asked about the tourists that might be lurking in the shadows and the locals that might have something against those facilities. It seemed that the facility belonged to one Mr. Lucien de Ville.

No doubt why I was being prisoned there, Bianca thought as she had an instinct that Gabriel was not telling her the whole story.

Gabriel and Aaron, his cousin, penetrated the facility to see if Mr. Lucien would be doing some illegal experiments that would expose the Blue Blood to the world and considering that Bianca was there. Hence, she was thankful that Gabriel, her fiancé, felt that he has to come and save her as well as take care of Bianca.

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