Chapter 19

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AS A precaution, Gabriel and Aaron had to take some medication to surpass their Blue Blood abilities, thanks to Alina's friend, Dr. Honchar who developed the serum. She planned to use it on Alina's child if she was ever pregnant but that will have to wait until Gabriel and Aaron got the first dibs on the first batch.

They were to report what was the pros and cons of the serum so that Dr. Honchar can improve the serum so that it can be used on a child later on.

Gabriel went inside the lab as he was looking for the plan that he had been dying to make a move but afraid there was a suspicion among the researchers that there was some animal that running amok among these walls. Not that they did know about these animals' true nature or whatnot.

Gabriel sighed as he was pushing some serum into the syringe before putting it inside his vein to administer the serum through his blood. He was aching in pain but Gabriel had to subdue the effect of the Demon that I was born with inside him.

Only his own cousin knew as Aaron was one of them as well.

After the serum was transferred into his blood, Gabriel pulled the syringe out, feeling the effect immediately. His Darker Side was not raking at him anymore for being far away from his mate. He sighed deeply.

"Blestem," Gabriel said quietly, looking at the ceiling as he was disposing the syringe into the sanitary so that other researchers will not be suspicious of him and what he did in his day-offs in the lab.

To be frank, Gabriel mostly looked at Bianca as she was the only thing that hooked him to the Known World right now.

Gabriel licked his lips as he closed his eyes, thinking of the move that he will be doing later to get Bianca out of there. "Hold on, my love. I will get you out of here," he said as Gabriel was sleepy because of the serum that he took. Later, without knowing it, he has fallen asleep in front of the live feed of Bianca's room on his laptop screen again.


Bianca was tossing and turning as she was feeling anxious to get out of there, the dream that was playing behind her eyes as she was looking at the scenery that she felt like she should know but she forgot where. She didn't know what was happening right now but her mind was hazy.

There were screams and people were running.

Bianca was breathing heavily when she saw that scenery again. It was in a quaint village that she felt like she had ever been there before. She was lost amongst the darkness of those pine forests but there was a warmth there. She didn't know what, where, or who.

All Bianca knew was that she craved that warmth for that was the only thing that kept her alive right now, not giving into the darkness that was stirring inside her.

"No...No, no. My love!" Bianca shouted as she was screaming, seeing the scenery again. There was a big fire, burning bright yellow and red, in the forest and she was running toward it. She didn't know why she did, but Bianca knew she just had to.

"No, don't die. Please," she begged as Bianca was looking at the warmth that she felt like she could not let go of it. She was tossing and turning on the bed again. Sweats pooled on her neck and forehead as Bianca felt something cool and damp on those areas.

Then, she felt someone was shaking her shoulders.

"Wake up, Bianca. Wake up, my love," a familiar voice was calling her as Bianca opened her eyes, looking everywhere around the unfamiliar pine forest. There was fire around her and she didn't know if she could escape from this lucid dream that she had right now.

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