Chapter 21

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THE blonde woman with violet eyes was staring at them, locking her weapon on Gabriel and Bianca. His mate whimpered as she was hiding behind him. The Huntress clenched her jaws.

"Drop her now before she can do any more damage," Astrid Larsen said as she was nudging her crossbow at them. Gabriel was panicking as he did not want the Huntress to hurt his mate or take her away from him. Then, a familiar voice saved the day as Aaron was smirking behind the dangerous woman.

"No can do, princess, we have to get going now. Too bad you would not be joining us," his cousin said as Aaron was attacking her from behind in the hallway. Astrid dodged his attacks as he pushed her out of the way, letting Gabriel and Bianca get out of the room.

The Huntress attacked him but Aaron blocked her advances. They were dancing a dangerous dance with daggers and crossbows before his cousin was looking over his shoulder and shouting at Gabriel. "Go, Gabe. Run now," he said as he was tangling with the Huntress. Aaron was fucking smirking as he was fighting the human hunter.

If I don't know him any better, I think he was going to kill her, he thought as he was waiting for Aaron to follow him. But his cousin was shaking his head before Astrid landed a punch on his cheek.

"I see you around, coz," Gabriel said as he was dragging Bianca from the room, away from the fighting scene that was happening between the Huntress and his cousin. Aaron waved his hand at him before he turned his attention to the dangerous Huntress.

"Don't wait up, I'll be late anyway," he replied as the Huntress was coming at them before Aaron tackled her to the floor again. Their limbs were entangled as Aaron was striking at her but the woman blocked his advances.

"Ugh! You're getting on my nerves, you bastard!" the Huntress shouted as Gabriel was looking at them, pushing Bianca to run to the end of the hallway. His cousin and the Huntress were face-to-face now and he saw that his cousin was licking her lips. Gabriel turned quickly as he just witnessed something forbidden.

Okay, freak much but I don't have anything to stay and watch their banter. I need to get Bianca to safety and only Aaron can distract her, he thought as Gabriel was kicking the door that led them down below. They were moving to the basement where there will be a boat waiting for them as Gabriel was helping Bianca into the boat like they were on a romantic date.

He imagined it was one of those nights.

"Here, wrap this around your shoulders. You're freezing," Gabriel said as he was putting a coat around his mate. He did not know what was going on inside the building at this moment, thinking about his cousin but Gabriel knew this facility will be going down at any moment. He was starting the boat before it roared to life.

Then, Gabriel was guiding it to the entrance of the cave so that they will be out of here as soon as possible. He also communicated with his cousin through telepathy that his cousin would have no problem picking up.

I'm sorry, Aaron but Bianca's safety came first, Gabriel said before Aaron laughed, smirking in their conversation.

Don't worry, coz. I'm not that easy to be killed by this pretty Huntress, ugh... he said before Gabriel was maneuvering the boat out of the cave, determined to reach the exit plan as soon as possible. He cannot worry about Aaron right now.

Gabriel had to get his mate, Bianca to safety. That was his top priority right now. And besides, it will do some good for Aaron to get revenge on the Huntress, if Gabriel was getting the vibes from their banter.

Don't think about that, he scolded himself as Gabriel was looking at the foggy Red Lake. He was conducting the boat in the right way before we were off from the facility and the man-made island. The laboratory was on a small island near the pine Forest of Red Lake.

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