Chapter 1. Reincarnation

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(AN: idea for story goes to THESKYNET. I liked it so much that I just had to make a story out of it)

Tobirama watched as Madara slowly closed his eyes and died before his body broke apart and turned into a pile left from destroyed reincarnations.

"It appears to be our time brother" said Tobirama while watching his body slowly break apart and could now see his soul.

"Yes it appears so Tobirama... I can't wait to see Mito again... Naruto, Sasuke we entrust the safety and future of this world to you. Please end this needless cycle of hatred and being peace to the world" said Hashirama as he slowly started to break apart.

"Hmm we're putting a lot of faith into you but me and my brother are sure you can do it" said Tobirama before his body fell apart and his soul rose into the sky. "Naruto become Hokage and bring peace to this world".

Tobirama closed his eyes and was ready to see his family and finally rest while being with them as he watched the world continue on without him.


"Come on miss Midoriya push!" Said a doctor.

"What... What is going on?" Thought Tobirama in slight confusion.

"AHHHH!!!" Yelled Inko as she was trying desperately to give birth to her son.

"Come on honey your almost there" said Hisashi holding his wife's hand.

"Ready and.... Push!" Said the doctor as Inko gave one final scream and the sounds of a baby crying were heard. "It's healthy baby boy".

Inko panted for a little before she reached out and took her baby into her arms and looked him over.

"Um... Inko is it just me or does our baby have white hair and red eyes?" Said Hisashi. He was slightly worried that the baby might not be his.

"Hmm well it's possible that it's a latent gene or a birth defect that made his hair white and eyes red, but don't worry we'll run a blood test to make sure" said the Doctor.

Tobirama opened his eyes and looked around the room "hmm I seem to be a baby and from the looks of this I've just been born. So does that mean that I was reincarnated sometime into the future and if so for what purpose?" Thought Tobirama.

"What should we name him Inko?" Asked Hisashi looking down at his son and wife.

"Izuku..." Said Inko as she gently caressed his face with a loving smile on hers.

"Hmm so my name is Izuku... God damnit..." Thought Tobirama wishing he could change it but knew he couldn't. "Much like I always said, I must except and deal with it until the mission is over. But that doesn't mean I can't change it to my original name when I get older". Tobirama knew he sounded petty but his original name held a lot of weight to it because it was the name his real mother gave him.

"Izuku that's a perfect name Inko" said Hisashi who reached out and gently ran his hand over his son's white hair.


(4 year time skip)

"Izuku breakfast is ready" said Inko calling down her son.

"Coming mother" said Izuku

Izuku grew up into a young healthy boy but it concerned his parents for how smart he seemed to be and how fast he caught on to things along with being extremely blunt. They took him to the doctors and they said it might have to do with his quirk that's developing in his body.

Izuku The Water Dragon Hero (Reincarnation Of Tobirama)Where stories live. Discover now