Chapter 25. Meeting Of Titans

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In a dark underground base All For One was watching as Garaki was finishing up on saving this so called chakra into large tanks he specifically built to store them. All For One tried his hardest to learn more about this chakra but nothing he couldn't even feel it.

"My lord.. I think I got everything ready" said Garaki.

"Good.. keep everything on standby for when I need it and go continue your work on the Nomu.. we must be ready for Tobirama and his Anbu" said All For One as he leaned back into his chair.

"Of course my lord".


"All Might I believe we found the location where the league of villains are" said Tsukauchi.

"That's good.. have everyone get ready, we are going to need as much help as we can get to take them down.. and also him" said All Might.

"Got it, I'll start making the calls and you save up your energy and have Mirio get ready for the fight as well".

After Tsukauchi left All Might leaned back into his chair and looked out Into the night sky "master... What do I do.. I don't know what's right or wrong anymore.. the world is changing so fast and people have lost fate in heroes... Please... I need your help...".

Sadly for him he was only met with silence and he just continued to look into the night sky.

His door opened and Nighteye and Mirio walked in to talk with him.


Tobirama was sitting down on the ground watching his Anbu train for the upcoming battle, he sent a massive chakra pulse and he finally found where All For One was and now he was getting his men ready for the upcoming battle.

He heard little footsteps near him and saw Eri running to him and she quickly wrapped her arms around him giving him a big hug.

"Papa papa look what I made" said Eri as she showed him a drawing she made.

"Oh what is it Eri?" Said Tobirama looking at the drawing.

"It's me, you and mama" she said with a big smile.

"It's beautiful Eri, did you show Kaina it?".

"No cause I wanted to show you it first since your my favorite" said Eri with zero shame.

Elsewhere in the room Kaina felt her heart break and she sat in the corner with her knees to her chest since she was depressed from hearing that.

"Thats very sweet of you Eri but you should still show your Kaina since I know she'll like to see it".

"Ok papa" she said as she walked over to her and show her it, Tobirama saw a fire in her eyes that showed she was determined to become Eri's favorite even though Eri was a daddy's girl.

He went and looked over the report that contained what little information he could find about All For One and his quirks.


(2 days later)

All for one was sitting on his thrown and leaned back into it letting a small smile appear on his face which was hidden because of his mask, the warehouse doors were blown open and All Might along with most of the top ten arrived.

"Ah All Might it's been so long, in surprised your still standing despite the fact your missing half your guts" said All for one with a dark chuckle.

"This ends now All For one!" Said All Might as he charged at him to punch him.

All for one chuckled and used Air cannon destroying everything.

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