Chapter 16. The Date

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Tobirama was sitting in his office overthinking the fact that Kaina kissed him and his logical brain just couldn't process it.

"Tobirama?" Said Dabi walking into his office "are you ok?".

"Yes... Just confused... I don't understand why Kaina kissed me.. or even cares for me.." said Tobirama.

"Because your the first person who saw her for her and not a hero or just a really attractive woman. You didn't use her or manipulate her. You brought her in and gave her a real purpose in life to help save people" said Dabi. "Plus even though a brick wall shows more emotions then you, you do show you care deeply for all of us".

Tobirama nodded his head starting to understand it now that it was explained to him.

"So how do you feel about her?" Said Dabi.

"... I guess I'd have to say I care for her, she's a valuable comrade an-"" no I mean how do you FEEL about her not what you think of her" said Tobirama before Dabi cut him off.

"I... I think a part of me deep down does care for her but I don't know how to show it or what to do" said Tobirama. "She's the first woman in.. a long time I've ever allowed close to me" memories of his once past lover crossed his mind. As he remembered that in a way she was a lot like Kaina except she was a Uzumaki and had a temper worse than Mito. Sadly Iwa found out and they tortured her to death.

"I'd suggest go and take her out for a date" said Dabi.

"We're wanted vigilantes I can't ex... I have genjutsu..." Said Tobirama.

"Mhm and I'd suggest you take the tsundere out so you two can start making little ninja" said Dabi as he walked away. "Also wear something nice, she'll appreciate it".

Tobirama stayed at his desk thinking all over before he stood up and walked away heading to his room.


"Look at my drawing" said Eri showing a drawing of herself, Tobirama and Kaina.

"That's beautiful Eri" said Kaina smiling.

"Will T-Toberma like it?" Said Eri.

"Tobirama sweetie and I'm sure he will" said Kaina.

"Can I show him then?" Said Eri.

"Show me what Eri?" Asked Tobirama walking into the room wearing a black buttoned up shirt and black dress pants.

Kaina blushed since she could see how fit he was under those clothes because of how it hugged his body.

"This!" Said Eri showing him the picture.

"That is very beautiful Eri" said Tobirama rubbing the top of her head making her lips twitch upwards. "Kaina.. I'd like to talk to you about something".

"Oh.. um... What is it?" Said Kaina blushing slightly and looking away.

"Would.. you like to go on a date with me tonight?" Said Tobirama catching her off guard.

"W-wait.. you wanna.. g-go on a d-date with me.." said Kaina.

"Yes" said Tobirama as he saw a massive smile form on her face and she seemed to be glowing.

"I'd love to!... But who'll watch Eri?" Said Kaina.

Tobirama created a shadow clone who walked over and picked up Eri carrying her to the kitchen to get her a bunch of apples which made her drool.

"Well.. I'll.. go get changed.." said Kaina making Tobirama nod and leave.

The second he left she started to sprint around her room trying to find something nice to wear.

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