Chapter 2. Ninja Tools

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Izuku was sitting in his room meditating and feeling his chakra while trying to expand his sensing ability he use to do with ease.

He expanded his senses as far as he can at the moment and was able to sense everyone within a miles radius, back in his old life he was able to sense 20X that.

"Izuku what are ya doing" said Hisashi walking in and seeing his son sit in a weird position.

"I'm meditating father it helps clear the mind" said Izuku.

"Oh... Well... Would you like to go and do something just father and son?" Asked Hisashi hoping to spend some time with him.

Izuku took a deep breath and stood up "very well father, so what will we be doing?".

"Well I was thinking we can go out to eat then maybe go see a movie if you'd like" said Hisashi.

"Alright just let me get changed" said Izuku as he went to his dresser to look for some better clothes.

Hisashi smiled and walked out of the room and saw Inko giving him a thumbs up.

"See I told you he'd spend some time with you Hisashi" said Inko patting his shoulder.

"Yea... I was just worried... I mean I'm barely around and he's so mature now... I just wanna do something that'll make me feel like a good dad" said Hisashi.

"He may not show it but he does care very deeply about us" said Inko "how about you ask him if there's anything he wants and maybe you can buy it for him?".

"Y-yea I could do that too!" Said Hisashi feeling pried swell up in him.

"I'm ready to go father" said Izuku walking out wearing a black tank top and brown shorts with some black sandals on.

"Great, let's go and have some fun Izuku" said Hisashi walking out the door with Izuku following.

Izuku and Hisashi left the house and went to the car where they got in and left heading out to get lunch first.

"So Izuku how has school been?" Asked Hisashi.

"School is adequate father, most things I already know so the teacher just lets me do as I wish" said Izuku.

"Well that's good to hear Izuku... So um... What would you like to eat..?" Said Hisashi.

"Hmm I'd like some fish but I'm fine with anything father" said Izuku.

Hisashi smiled and nodded and looked around for a restaurant and after a couple more minutes he saw a sushi restaurant.

"Would this be alright Izuku?" Asked Hisashi gesturing to the sushi restaurant.

"It will do father I'm fine with anything" said Izuku.

Hisashi nodded and parked the car in the parking lot as both of them exited it then went Inside the restaurant and sat down and ordered food.

"Izuku... I.. I'm sorry I'm not around as much as I should be" said Hisashi.

"It's alright father, I understand that you have to make money to help me and mother so I don't hold it against you" said Izuku.

"Well I'm glad.. but I'd still like to try and get closer cause it feels to me that I'm not a very good father to you" said Hisashi.

Izuku could only nod, he still remembers how sad his brother was whenever his Hokage duties took him away from his family.

"Well in that case let's just enjoy today so you can feel like a good father even though you are one" said Izuku.

Hisashi nodded and was about to say something when their sushi was placed in front of them and they began eating.

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