Chapter 27. The Dark King Falls

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Tobirama looked over towards the intense battle between All Might and Mirio against All For One, both heroes were doing good in the fight but it seems that All For One was fighting for his life.

"Dabi, Kaina how are things going?" Said Tobirama using his earpiece.

"Absolutely amazing, I got my clothes from the dry cleaner and I even found a 10,000 yen bill on my way here, how are you sir?" Said Dabi.

Tobirama's normally passive face grew a slight twitch but he suppressed it.

"We are doing good Tobirama, these Nomu aren't that strong and it's pretty easy to take them out, though it's harder to protect the civilians since lots of these heroes are also attacking us" said Kaina.

"If need be suppress the heroes but don't kill them, after today things will change" said Tobirama as he then ran towards the battle between All Might, Lemillion and All For One.

"Air cannon, impact recoil, metal spikes!" Said All For One as he sent a massive air blast filled with spikes towards the two heroes.

All Might moved in and sent a Detroit smash which dissipated the attack, then him and Mirio charged forward with Mirio disappearing into the ground while All Might tried to punch All For One. The attack was blocked and he was met with a metal spike being slammed into his shoulder making his left arm useless giving it went through the bone.

"POG CHAMP SMASH!!!" Yelled Mirio slamming his fist right into All For Ones face giving a sickening crack and everyone could see that the villains jaw was broken. But they then saw it heal and after a moment it was like nothing happened.

"I must say All Might you did find yourself a good successor, his quirk is by far the most annoying thing I've faced compared to all the previous wielder's" said All For One. "But after today that will change, both you and your successor will lay dead at my fight much like that damn vigilante who's been throwing wrenches in my plans since day one!".

"Flying Raijin Slash!" Said Tobirama appearing Infront of All for one with his blade extended out, he then turned around and formed a blue ball of chakra in his hand "Rasengan!".

The attack smashed into All For Ones gut and slowly and very painfully drilled into his body grinding away at the flesh before he was blown back.

Tobirama stood up and glared at the villain "you truly are a man possessed by evil, you were so desperate to defeat me you brought back a man that could've easily destroyed the world and no one but me could've stopped him".

"Hahaha you call me evil yet you wish to cause civil war and plunge all of Japan in war, it will kill thousands of people and yet you can look at me and call me evil" said All For One. "Don't make me laugh, your just as guilty as I am, the only difference is that you pretend to be good for this stupid species known as humanity".

"If bringing happiness and making a world where people can be happy and children no longer need to battle, where children don't longer need to fear being in war. Then so be it, I shall plunge my heart into darkness and drench myself in as much blood as I need to; to make sure no one has to suffer like that ever again.

Like my brother once told me, I wish to make a place where children can be adults, people can be people, parents can be parents and no one has to burry a family member because of war, famine or greed" said Tobirama. "It is a stupid dream because we humans are complicated beings who always seek more even if it is at the cost of others, a dream like that isn't possible and yet I will still strive for it because even though we are evil... I know we still have good in us all the same".

All For One stood up and his injury healed as he glared at Tobirama "even you admit that we are evil, that's why I shall rule this world, I shall make a world where only the strong shall survive and the weak will die".

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