Chapter 15. Tobirama Vs All Might

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Tobirama and All Might charged at each other and their fist collided creating a massive explosion.

"Why are you doing this? You could have become a great hero!" Said All Might trying to break his defense.

"Because your system is broken. Tell me what makes it right that villains get more protection than civilians when they use quirks or get injured?.

I'll tell you they shouldn't, they should be treated as criminals and not civilians that did something bad. But no your system says you'd be better off being a villain and attacking the city using your quirk than a civilian. Using it in self defense" said Tobirama.

He then jumped back and did a couple of hand signs and created a water gunshot that hit All Might in the face immediately leaving a bruise.

Tobirama then kicked him in the gut sending him away but All Might caught himself and sent a California smash at him launching him away.

He went flying back but dropped lots of paper bombs and right when All Might charged at him he set them all off hurting All Might.

All Might then stood up while holding his injured arm and he sucked in his teeth and new he couldn't hold back anymore against him.

Tobirama was about create another Jutsu when he was clotheslined into a building making the entire building collapse on him.

As soon as he dug out of the building he was picked up and choke slammed into the ground and All Might continue to beat him into the ground. Using 100% of his strength for every single punch.

Tobirama felt his bones cracking and breaking from every punch and knew he'd have to end this fight or he'll end up in a cell.

He spit out a punch of water needles that distracted All Might long enough for him to gather chakra in his fist and punch him away.

Tobirama then slammed his palm on the ground and a sealing matrix appeared and a clone of him sitting in a mediative position appeared. He had a pitch black tinge around his eyes much like wolves had.

"De-summon yourself" said Tobirama standing up and popping some of his ribs back into place.

The clone disappeared and Tobirama felt a massive influx of chakra and the same black markings appeared on his face.

"Flying Rajin" said Tobirama as he threw a kunai at All Might and in the blink of the eye a white flashed appeared. "RASENGAN!!".

The Rasengan slammed into All Might's gut and injuring him even further and making it harder for him to hold his muscle form.

Before he could react Tobirama appeared and proceeded to punch and kick him and every time he tried to block. It was just batted away like nothing.

"This is where you learn All Might. You can't defeat me" said Tobirama as he then grabbed his arm and flipped him over. He then slammed his knee on All Might's elbow bending it backwards and breaking it.

"AHHHH!!" Screamed All Might who tried to punch him but that arm was also blocked and put into a leg hold and broke as well.

"This isn't a fight. It's a operating table and I'm the surgeon" said Tobirama who then proceeded to keep punching him.

The whole world watched in horror as the number one hero was loosing to the vigilante leader and no one could believe it.

All Might couldn't hold his muscle form anymore given the pain and he shrunk down into his skinny form but the smoke covered him.

"No more lies and no more false hope All Might. It's time the world finally realized the truth that you are just a man and not a god". Said Tobirama who then picked him up and threw him out of the smoke for the whole world to see.

He slowly stood up and looked around and saw that the fighting stopped and everyone had their eyes on him in shock.

"Your a man All Might" said a very injured Tobirama walking out of the smoke towards him. "You're not invincible like everyone thinks you are you are just a man with a very powerful quirk and now the whole world sees that".

He looked down hearing Tobirama's words and knowing what he said was true. Now people will finally see him as a human but it he also knew that it will shake people's hope in the hero system.

"ALL MIGHT!!" Yelled Lemillion landing next to him and he was still heavily injured as well.

Kaina landed next to Tobirama with her rifle ready and a short sword in her other Incase he tried anything.

"You and the heroes have lost and it's time you finally realize that you can't stop us and we are not your enemies. We are just like you Heroes to some but villains to others and our goal is to try and save people in a way that Heroes never could. By doing what is necessary to protect people.

Some villains can be saved while others can't and with your system you just say we just throw them in prison for them to easily escape again".

The whole world shook at what he said since it held Merritt and truth.

"Not only that but with your system it beats down the week and upholds the strong and if anyone doesn't fit your quota they are deemed worthless. Look at quirkless people. They are the perfect example of a people beating down just because they don't have a special ability and no one cares for them because they don't have any.

So tell me All Might who is the real villain and who is the real hero in this situation" said Tobirama.

"I... I don't know...".

"The answer is simple. There is no hero we are nothing more than just people trying to do the right thing but it is labeled as a hero. But people need to understand to some we are heroes and to others we are villains there is no right and wrong in the situation only are morals will determine what is".

The rest of his Anbu landed next him and most of them had injuries but we're still in fighting condition if needed.

"Your system is broken and we will change it for the better where it will actually help people in need and not the ones who want it".

Tobirama and All his Anbu then disappeared in body flickers leaving the beaten and broken heroes behind.


Tobirama and his Anbu appeared back at base and before he could do anything he slapped across the face by Kaina who had tears in her eyes.

"What was that for?" He asked looking at her.

"You... Your such a baka..." She said as she then punched his chest "fighting the top ten and almost getting yourself killed". She then kept punching him over and over again in the same spot but they held no strength in them.

"What if you lost or got killed then what would we do!".

"Dragon would take command and lead you while I try and break out".

"You stupid baka.." she said as she glared at him and threw logic out the window and pulled him into a kiss pouring all of her emotions into it. "WHAT ABOUT ME!? I LOVE YOU, YOU STUPID BAKA!!".

Tobirama's eyes widened when he heard that and his mind finally clicked realizing that all this time she did like him but he was too stupid to realize.

"I... I'll be more careful for now on" said Tobirama.

"The tsundere finally confessed and soon we'll have little Ninja's running around here" said Dabi with a shit eating grin.

Kaina's face exploded red as she just remembered that all the other Anbu we're behind her and saw the whole incident.

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