Chapter 24. Tobirama's Declaration

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(writers block for this story was a bitch but now I'm ready to get back to writing this story).

Tobirama stood Infront of class 1A and was talking to his Anbu when he heard explosions.

"DEKU!!!!!" Screamed Katsuki charging at him with explosions in his hands, once he got near him he tried to throw one at him but Tobirama simply side stepped it and chopped the back of his neck knocking him out.

"I don't have time to deal with you Bakugo I have more important matters. Anbu heal any who are injured while I talk to the heroes and learn everything I can" said Tobirama.

"Hai Hokage-sama!".

Tobirama walked towards the Wild Wild Pussycats and stopped before them "tell me everything that happened tonight so I can get the full picture".

The heroes were unsure what do say but Aizawa stepped forward "it's fine he can be trusted".

Mandalay sighed and then told Tobirama everything that happened even though he already knew it; it was still better to get another person's point of view so you can build a bigger picture Incase you missed something.

"Tell me why are you here and how did you know that we are here?" Said Pixie-bob.

Tobirama looked at her for a moment and pulled out a seal "they are good tracking devices" he then turned and started to walk towards the students, he stopped Infront of one named Aoyama who started to get nervous under Tobirama's gaze.

"Tell them the truth or I'll make you" he simply said as he started to leak some of his KI.

Aoyama froze and wet himself, this KI was on par with All for ones and he didn't even know that this was just a small amount of it.

"Hey what are you doing to him?" Said Vlad King walking towards him, he was stopped when he felt a blade against his throat from a Anbu with a lizard mask.

"Tell them that your the reason the class was attacked and how the villains know of this place" said Tobirama spiking his KI even more which made everyone in the area freeze while some passed out or began throwing up.

"I-I-I had N-no choice.. h-he t-t-threatened to kill m-my parents.." said Aoyama as he began crying.

"So you throw your friends lives away to save your family then".

Aoyama began crying harder "y-you d-d-don't understand... He's a monster, I-I couldn't d-do anything or else he'd kill m-my mom and dad".

Tobirama just continued to stare into his very soul with a stern gaze "tell me do you wish to make up for it then"

Aoyama nodded his head.

"Then go to your classmates and tell them and also All for one I know your listening so be ready because I'm coming for you" said Tobirama before he placed a seal on Aoyama.


Somewhere in Japan All for one felt his connection between him and Aoyama get ripped apart along with his Aoyama's parents.

"Damn him... Doctor is the scroll ready along with the body and necessary... What was it.. chakra?" Said All for one.

"Almost done sir.. I don't know who's blood this is or how it has been contained for so long but it does say one thing on the glass vile" said Garaki.

"And what does it say?".


"Hmm well It matters not, whoever this person is will hopefully be powerful enough to deal with Tobirama and his Anbu".

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