Chapter 14. Tobirama Vs The Top Ten

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Tobirama and All Might stared at each other with neither moving.

"Tobirama your under arrest now come quietly or else" said All Might.

"I think not, I am doing what is right to fix the wrongs of this world. The only reason why your being ordered to stop me is because I'm a embarrassment. It's because I'm willing to do what no one else is willing to do" said Tobirama.

"I don't think it's your choice to decide what's wrong or right and what your doing is breaking the law" said Best Jeanist appearing across the building.

Tobirama looked around and saw that he was surrounded by the top ten heroes of Japan including Endeavor who after. Multiple surgeries managed to come back to the fight.

"Your coming with us Tonight Tobirama now surrender or else" said All Might.

Tobirama looked around one last time and sensed hundreds of police officers and other heroes around him. He also saw a news helicopter up in the air recording this.

He sensed the area one last time and smirked sensing no civilians in the area.

"I won't be going anywhere and I guess I can finally stop holding back all this time" said Tobirama as he raised his hand into a seal and flared his chakra. "Kai".

Across his body resistance, chakra suppressant, and gravity seals all deactivated allowing him to use all his strength. During all this time he's only been able to use 50% of his total strength and chakra reserves.

And then he flared his chakra and released his KI.

The building under him shattered with thousands of cracks and all the nearby buildings and the air itself became heavy and thick. All the nearby heroes that weren't All Might, Miruko, and Endeavor felt their knees buckle under the weight of this.

Tobirama then lifted one finger and the entire building began to sink and fall apart under his chakra pressure.

"LET'S GET WILD!!!" Screamed Miruko feeling the most excited she's felt in years.

She shot forward and spun her body to kick him as fast as she could but to Tobirama it was slow motion because of his years of experience.

All Might looked and saw Miruko was about to kick him but Tobirama raised his fist and he could tell that he needed to save her.

In the blink of the eye an massive explosion of air pressure happened and Tobirama was standing where he was but had his fist extended.

An entire block away All Might pried himself out of the wall holding his arm and he could tell the bone was cracked.

Miruko looked up at the building across from her where she just was and felt a tinge of fear enter her body.

Tobirama suddenly turned around ducking under some red feathers and throwing kunai and Hawks in retaliation only for him to barely dodge it.

He then saw Edgeshot extend his body into it's string form and try to wrap around him.

"Raitan" said Tobirama flaring his lighting chakra and electrocuting him.

"FLASH FIRE JET BURN!!!!" screamed Endeavor sending a massive blast of flames which Tobirama quickly created a water wall to block.

"CALIFORNIA SMASH!!!" Yelled All Might appearing before him and punching him in the gut cracking his armor.

Tobirama landed on the ground and slid as he used his chakra to try and get traction but before he could 2 shields slammed into either side. Of him pinning him to the spot.

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